Alien Mothership in our Solar System? | Intel Report with Dave Hodges & Doug Thornton

Timothy Alberino joins Dave Hodges and Doug Thornton on the Doug and Dave Intel Report to discuss the AARO’s report on the possibility of an alien mothership in our solar system. They also delve into the biblical reality of extraterrestrial aliens, alien abductions, extrasensory capabilities, and collective consciousness.

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27 thoughts on “Alien Mothership in our Solar System? | Intel Report with Dave Hodges & Doug Thornton”

  1. When Moses went to the mountain to meet God he told Moses to tell the people to get back from the top of the mountain, the billowing smoke, the loud horn was obviously a ship that landed at the top, they then had to wait B4 making an ascension

  2. There is not "a" mothership…there are…multiple motherships above every major city. They are miles wide. They have been there for a while. They are satanic. They will attack. They are currently cloaked. Cloaking tech is old technology. It was mastered long ago. Simple matter of physics.
    This is one's only hope ever:
    See Psalm 22:16 (even in the Jewish bible) and, Romans 10:9-13 auth.kjv bible.

  3. I wish I could talk to Timothy operino I'm a 76 year old woman and I would like to talk with him to know that I am not crazy my number will I don't know how to get in touch with him because I am not not good on electronic devices or anything and I live in Indiana around Lebanon Indiana and I don't want to put any more information out there

  4. I would advice Timothy to study the late Rob Skiba's incredible material. It's full of revelations and lay out the foundation and building blocks to a whole different paradigm! I've spent almost 10 years digging into this, contemporary to Rob, and what has been revealed is VITAL to understand our realm and how everything fits in perfectly! All of course, backed by scripture.

    Give it the chance it deserves and don't be so quick to dismiss.

    Rob Skiba (may God bless his soul) died -at least to me – somewhat mysteriously, during the short time span at which Rus Dizdar passed and Steve Quayle got seriously ill.
    Robs research material & presentations is a treasure waiting to be discovered!

  5. According to Gary Wayne, ancient cultures believed that the ‘gods’ traveled in orbs or ‘quantum bubbles’. Another Christian teacher shows how spheres are revered in ancient cultures and modern cultures in art and architecture (for “spiritual” reasons). There are tons of examples.

  6. The Military Times and all other "service "related papers (Air Force times, Navy times etc…) are NOT associated with the military or government in any way. it is just a paper from wherever. dont be fooled by the names being associated with the military or have inside information from the military.


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