Alien Base Discovered In NASA Moon Photo, Apollo 11, 1969, UFO Sighting News.

Mission: Apollo 11, 1969
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Photo at:
NASA official site:


33 thoughts on “Alien Base Discovered In NASA Moon Photo, Apollo 11, 1969, UFO Sighting News.”

  1. That would be interesting if the PRC or India's lunar landers or flyovers captured ultra-high resolution images of the moon's surface and released them as is. If the images looked different than that released in the USA whether or not there are any artifacts or structures in the same areas and show a completely different image minus air brushing it might be time to cut the budgets and disband any space agency involved and start anew with different folks.🤔

  2. looks like a transfer system on a foundation 🤔 one the looks like it may be made to be pulled back in to the moon . simply awesome thank you for you and your great team's work on uncovering those structure's 👍👍

  3. The astronauts know so much but basically they are not heroes but traitors. Just signing an NDA makes them complicit in cover up crimes. Even if you buy your way on to a suborbital million dollar flight you have to sign an NDA. No one on the surface of Earth is allowed to know anything. Zero level security clearance level for the masses. A never need to know rating.

  4. I recently extracted the metadata from the Pluto orbiter photos and the creation dates are from before the probe launched. And have been edited with photoshop for a total of 9 hours. No BS

  5. I was at Johnson Control in TX in 1973. My mom's best friend's husband's best friend worked there. He gave us a private tour. He brought out a big 3 ring binder with photos in clear plastic holders. He thumped through and opened up to a photo that showed a tower on the moon's surface. It looked like mud wasp's nest but free standing. The guy never pointed to it but said, "Do you guys see it? Do you see it? There's more." I'll never forget it.

  6. Problem is you can see anything you want, I believe aliens exist and the American government knows but that means all major governments are in league with American government Chinese Russians and of course England and Australia


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