Alexei Navalny, Putin’s biggest political rival, is dead: Russian prison service

Alexei Navalny, Putin’s biggest political rival and anti-corruption campaigner has died in a hellhole Siberian jail, according to the Russian prison service. Navalny was a lawyer but rose to prominence exposing the corruption of Putin’s regime before trying to run against him for president – though he was banned from standing. Navalny was repeatedly jailed on what his supporters said were trumped-up charges of financial misdeeds, and survived being poisoned with Novichok in 2020 when it was smeared on his underpants before he boarded a plane. He went to Germany where he recovered, but then returned to Russia to continue his campaign against Putin. He was arrested on arrival, jailed for a lengthy term on what his supporters again said were trumped-up charges, and spent the last years of his life being shuttled from one prison colony to another, appearing in worse health each time he was hauled back to court on yet more charges.

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31 thoughts on “Alexei Navalny, Putin’s biggest political rival, is dead: Russian prison service”

  1. WOW !!! who would have thought that was going to happen ??? … It's like the Hunt for Abdul Ezedi has stopped as Police won't search mosques ,so they call it a drowning instead … all the cover ups in the world today

  2. Navalny is a political dwarf. His electorate is just scanty. His death is not beneficial to the Russian authorities.Navalny is not a competitor to Putin. Navalny's death will only make a lot of noise and unfounded accusations against Putin.Navalny died of thrombosis, as heart disease is the most common cause of death.

  3. WANTED PUTIN : It is the duty and honor of every Russian citizen to do everything possible to hasten the downfall of the criminal dictator Putin, who, like Hitler, can go so far as to destroy his country. Machiavelli described the autocrat's drift from verbal violence to the first crimes, then to war and mass crimes. The Russian generals have no more room for error: they must arrest the dictator Putin and hand him over to the ICC. The horrified world will soon discover the thousands of crimes committed by Putin and all those who were financed by him

  4. Let’s call a spade a spade: Navalny was a Western backed, and funded, fifth columnist, adopted and nurtured by foreign intelligence agencies for the sole purpose of interfering with Russian elections and to topple its current government. He was outmanoeuvred and his usefulness was used up. His death and its timing definitely does not benefit Putin, but absolutely benefits the collective West.

  5. Blood can only be washed away with blood! Putin is a murderer, terrorist and thief! He created a state of guards and embezzlers. These individuals are not capable of creation, so they need to keep the population in fear and ignorance, organizing terrorist attacks, political assassinations and provocations! Therefore, the fewer the devil’s servants, the weaker the devil himself! Even one in a thousand is a force capable of overcoming any dictatorship! GLORY TO THE PARTISANS!


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