Alex Jones Unchained

Elon’s X and Tucker Carlson’s new media company could totally change the media game — but will they?

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00:00 – Satire
04:42 – A Klavan Christmas
05:59 – My Favorite Comment
06:38 – Alex Jones Unchained
06:47 – Contents (Coming Up)
11:01 – Chapter 1: Is Tucker a Sucker?
29:54 – Chapter 2: Has Jones Made His Bones?
44:07 – Chapter 3: That’s So Gay!
52:33 – The Final Chapter: The World Is Too Much With Us
01:02:53 – Christmas Karol
01:03:42 – End of the World with Jonathan Pageau
01:05:00 – Klavan Klapbacks

#AndrewKlavan #DailyWire #1160


33 thoughts on “Alex Jones Unchained”

  1. Love you Klavan! But I think you’re wrong about Alex. We all need to disagree on things but you need to look into what that whole thing actually was before you call him out. Again love you man and you always give me different perspectives than anyone else at DW.

  2. Klavan, if jones is doing it all so wrong, if he’s always so incorrect, why are you wasting an entire show talking about him? Why not talk about how we get it right? Oh, btw, had only Jones been the only one talking about make mandates in September I have no doubt they’d be back. Thankfully, other people, not you, less snobbish, did speak up and make it clear mask mandates in September would not be tolerated.

  3. Andrew.. you were wrong on the Vax and Covid. You attack us who rejected it from the beginning. And now you dare to state Alex Jones who is wrong on some stuff.. but so more right than you. You, Andrew, are not really questioning the 2020 big-steal yet. Maybe because you, Andrew, lack the courage? I still like you Andrew… but you are usually a year behind the rest of us and maybe 2 years behind the Alex Joneses.
    You have had so much wrong.

  4. Love you Andrew.. but Thumbsdown – You were wrong on Covid, you are wrong on the 2020 big steal, and you are wrong {mostly} on Jones. How strange it is that Jones where so many tome more right than Andrew Clavan? Just wait long enough and Andrew will have to state Jones was right again.

  5. Again, Andrew my brother – I appreciate your continuous condemnation of those who allow and excuse Jew Hatred disguised as the latest flavor-of-the-month DEI Leftist fad, including calling out those who hide behind their superficial physical appearance to earn an excuse for spreading their horrific and dangerously malicious ideas.
    I also appreciate the ability to be able to call you a brother in this endeavor as you stand up for your fellow Jews. Throughout our history as a people – we Jews have traditionally come together in times of extreme crisis which was always sparked by Anti-Semitism. Like it says in the Passover Hagada: "In each and every generation they rise up against us to destroy us. And the Holy One, blessed be He, rescues us from their hands." When a blindly hateful Anti-Semite curses and screams: "Jew!" "Zhid!" "Yahood!" We need to hear what G-d Almighty is actually trying to remind us: You are a Jew – you are an integral part of the Jewish People. Support and unify with your people so you can become who you are actually meant to be!
    G-d Bless!

  6. Alex Jones is the hero of people who subsist on confirmation bias. He throws as much spaghetti as possible against every wall in sight; a few noodles stick, and his disciples gobble up those noodles and ignore the huge mess on the floor.

  7. Lady Ballers is political satire. But in an attempt to get around a valid criticism regarding a bondage sado masochism scene, he now calls the movie a 'sex' comedy? I didn't see the movie, but mocking guys invading women's sports and bondage sex are two totally different things. I'm glad I didn't pay for the subscription to see the movie. The more clips I see and the more I hear about it, the more grotesque it seems.

  8. Hello sexy Gandalf, which one is more bigoted and morally reprehensible: reading the House of Love and Death without first reading When Christmas comes, or strategically leaving behind copies of the Truth and Beauty to slowly convert my hometown?

  9. Thank you for discussing the difference between evidence and proof. The news did the same thing about numerous important stories in the past 5+ years. News claimed there was "no evidence" for things that ended up proven — from Twitter scandal to COVID and on.

    Even you yourself said that there was no "evidence" that the election had been tampered with. I remember you saying that. I remember learning that there were 1,000+ affidavits from election workers and random people involved saying they saw some shady stuff on election night. That may not be "proof", but I remember you saying "there's no evidence," and that killed me.

    Of course, now, for even bringing this up, on YouTube no less, I'm sure I'll be shadow banned if not just banned outright.

  10. After decades of anti-Whiteness from Jewish professors, I feel so sorry for the Jewish people now that their golem is attacking them. Not really. May God protect Sinwar.

  11. It’s tough listening to you debunk every conspiracy theory as outlandish, requiring that someone show you the evidence. Just open your eyes and do your own research. There’s plenty of evidence online, you’re clearly just not looking for it. You were wrong on Covid, vaccines, January 6, and the 2020 election. You just react to updates, you don’t actually investigate current events and provide prospective. I know you want to believe that our politicians aren’t evil, but wake up.


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