From The Freezing Wilds Of BC

I think I posted this back in the fall, not sure, just found this on a drive!


38 thoughts on “From The Freezing Wilds Of BC”

  1. MOST IMPORTANTLY: thank you MUCHLY for not electrocuting yourself!!!
    Why in the world did you lose subs over the cruise??? Loved those videos! It was like "hidden camera" cruise line!👍👍

  2. Just a quick thought. All of these "teepee" type structures people have found. Maybe instead of a place to live, these structures are meant as boundary markers. Or, could they be meant to be be used for warning fires? 😅

  3. Thank you Steve for showing us the area where you're currently working out of. It is beautiful but very cold looking. I too have read and heard on other channels that these Sabe/Sasquatch beings are definitely making themselves seen by human beings.

  4. Hello Heart of the Bear, you flowers were a sign of sympathy, how beautiful! 🎉 Your bigfoot really has love for you, you are blessed. ❤ As you know the spirits of your dogs will never leave you and will always be near you in this life and the next.🐕🐶

  5. Had to unsubscribe to this one. Trying to watch your videos is very frustrating because I just click on any video that’s you and it takes several minutes before I realize that I have heard it before. Very frustrating, but maybe this will help. Thanks for all the great videos Steve!

  6. The heat of the bear one was a heart felt one oga la la Sioux is a tribe in the Black hills of the Dakotas . It was a beautiful thing he did in rememberance of his family seem like it's a shared place of a unknown friend for maybe the same reason

  7. Question for those who hear, leave. Does Bigfoot say that to you in the daytime or at night? At night, we can not see them, or they stand behind a tree. What I am thinking is. Those who say leave. Knows they have nothing covering their bodies. They do not want you to look at them with no clothes on. Is anyone that watches this channel familiar with or knows how to do psychological warfare? How about reverse psychology? Sadly, society has taught me both perfectly. You must be a quick thinker. On what to say next. Example. They say leave. Say. Oh, I am sorry. I didn't know you were getting dressed or, sorry, I did not mean to step up on you while your using the restroom, or sorry, I did not mean to wake you up. I will be more quiet. Take care. The break trees around you. Ask them to put them into a pile. You need firewood and that's why your are out there. Thank them for the help. Ask them to take down certain types of trees. See what they do. They come running at you. Run at them like they are your long lost friend or family. Keep saying things as. I mess you so much. Where is everyone. How are the kids. If they look shocked. Say. Oh. I am sorry. We didn't find anyone that can make cloths your size. I will keep looking, or say. You look good. How is the hunting around here. Do you know where I can find a elk. Can you help me find some blue berries. You have to keep them off guard. Keep yourself in control. You must be the one always asking the questions first. You see one. Smile and wave. Like you would anyone else. Say hi. Say take care. Say, have a nice day. Evil hates positive. Same with MSM news. Never talk about the subject they are talking about. Who ever the news broadcaster is. Talk to them or leave them comments that are positive and only to them personally. Never no more on the negative subject they are talking about. Cop pulls you over for no reason. Ask that cop how they are doing. Ask them about their family and or their day. Just like you would to your best friend or family member. Major reverse Psychology. Tuesday red flag. Ignore the red flag and who is involved. Talk only to those who are putting the information out as your best friend and never say anything to or about the red flag. Who cares. Your not interested in it. Only about the person that has to work for these people. Your concern about them only. Test it out. What could it hurt.

  8. With all the shares, the locations of said events, times, dates; are now our greatest tool. The vast collection of the thousands of shares give us all knowledge points & indicators of when, where & who is most likely to witness one. The conditions, times of year, I.e., seasons, weather etc. The collection of all this information is invaluable! Thanks to Steve & to all the members of the “Club of No Return”.

  9. People that are 2-faced, lack the spine to say what they are really thinking, insecure, show you kindness to your face but pull a 180’, when your not there. I’d rather that person just tell me, “Man, I appreciate your friendship or attempts at it, but we are really too different & Id prefer for us not to pretend we are friends.”. We all need to grow a pair, a backbone and stiffen up and realize we are all different, not all of us can be friends & a lot of us will never agree on anything. I’d rather you told me to my face regardless if you’re a man or woman of how you truly feel than drag on in any number of varieties of various relationships and just rip the bandaid off. We’d all be better adjusted & more confident in our own perspective daily lives. Example: My Mom & later my wife would try on a new dress or outfit & ask me “Son/Dear does this make me look fat?” If I thought it did and was not flattering I’d answer “yep, it makes you look really fat or it’s in no way flattering!” At 1st my Mom would say “son why do you have to be so mean?” I told her, “Mom, wouldn’t you rather me tell you right now, be honest with you before you wear this new outfit out in public & all the while a fair portion of the people you see throughout the day are thinking the exact same thing but compliment you & you can tell right away they are only trying to be nice and not hurt your feelings?” After some time both my Mother & Wife we’re glad I was so blunt with the truth & it was in NO WAY meant to be unkind or to injure their feelings. To this very day my wife will ask me “Scott would you look at this dress & give me your opinion, because I know you’ll give it to me straight?” I know they take comfort in my honest, sincere no nonsense response. They’ve both came to rely on my honesty because they’ve learned it is from a place with no malice, petty or snide remarks meant only to hurt them. They’ve come to rely on my brutal honest approach & if they sense even the slightest bit of me not paying attention or kind of being a “yes man”, as I’m actually zoned out or watching tv or something, they call me out immediately for not giving them that full, 100% sincere and honest approach. In turn I expect nothing less than 100% honesty from them as well on various subjects. Being totally honest cuts away all the normal bullshit people have between them and makes any kind of relationship that much better. However, that’s what works for me and it’s how I’ve chosen to live my life and conduct my behavior in any of my relationships as a son, husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather, etc. etc.

  10. Steve you ask that question before and i will be happy to answer it again!!! When you nose get cold your brain send blood to the blood cells in your nose. When you breathe out of you nose or in because the blood has been sent to your nose to warm it up it causes your nose to run!!! It just produces water form the cold air coming in to contact with the warm air in your nose!!! That is the long answer because i just woke up an hour ago 5am Mass. USA East coast time!!! GBY. Dave


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