Alcoholic Cop Turns to A Wolf After Witnessing A Bizarre Occult Ritual, And Becomes Super Strong !

Welcome to Movie Shortens. Lou Garou, a down and out, drunken cop whose life changes the moment a curse is bestowed upon him making him a werewolf. Unlike other monsters, in his wolf-like state, Garou is himself, just furrier, stronger, more courageous and almost impossible to kill. His alcoholism becomes his strength, enhancing his super powers, and his hair, claws and canine physique drive women wild. His home town of Woodhaven is in trouble. Overrun by crime, drugs, and some dark secrets of the past. When the annual festival is canceled due to the death of the mayoral candidate right before the election, things get hairy. Lou and his side-kick Willie investigate some occult-like disturbances in the woods. This leads to the uncovering of many mysteries, and the chance for Lou Garou to become a hero.
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