Alcibiades: The Athenian Aristocrat That Defected To Sparta | The Spartans | Real History

The infamous war between Sparta and Athens was a polarizing conflict of the ancient world. This makes the story of Alcibiades all the more unique. This Athenian aristocrat crossed between the lines of the two sides multiple times, always for nefarious reasons.

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1 thought on “Alcibiades: The Athenian Aristocrat That Defected To Sparta | The Spartans | Real History”

  1. I am descended from Spartan's and most of my Greek relatives now live in Athens and Thessaloniki. Many of my Greek relatives immigrated from the ethnic Greeks refugee camps in Greece after they were removed from Turkey to the U.S. after WWI (I was born in the U.S.)

    As for the setup of ancient Sparta, it seems like a classic case of toxic masculinity, i.e. endless warring, a whole system based on a few male elites and the rest of the made slaves or servants for generations, the separation of males and females, the prising of conservative values, and no democracy or political dissent.


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