Joe Biden Just Dropped a Pipe Bomb

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49 thoughts on “Joe Biden Just Dropped a Pipe Bomb”

  1. a friend of mine who always needs to be a contrarian and the devils advocate sent me this pic. i chose to ignore it just like he choses to ignore the fact that he has $35k student loan depts and would surely profit a lot from bidens student dept relief if he was an american

  2. These people probably really believe they are the "Grand admirals", "The Supreme Commanders of behemoth army.

    The reality they are a mere single turds speaking with the other turds in a huge pile of turds.

  3. The difference between McCain or Romney and Trump is that McCain and Romney legitimately believe that their policies are going to make life better for people, and that's what they want. It is therefore possible to persuade them with data that those policies don't actually make life better, so their minds can be changed. They can be convinced to support progressive policies. Trump believes in the entitlement of Trump.

  4. Sure. The Tea Party was extreme. But their extremeness pales in comparison to MAGA. The Tea Party was the plant from the little shop of horrors that needed to go back to its planet. MAGA is like god damn polio. The MAGA movement just needs to be exterminated.

    And, because I know people don’t understand how logic works, I know I am going to have to explain some basic fallacies so I don’t have to deal with the brain rot that is anyone disagreeing with the fundamental point I am making. Calling for the extermination of a group doesn’t mean that one is calling for the extermination of the individuals that make up the group. The fallacy of division is a fallacy for a reason

  5. 20:15

    No. A democrat with a backbone is to Republicans what Batman is to the villains of Gotham. There is a reason why the gangsters of Gotham had to meet in broad daylight in the Dark Knight. The Republicans are doing the same thing right now

  6. I feel like unless Biden is prepared to lock up his political enemies which he said he would not do. Then acting tough in a situation where you are not can be a dangerous prospect. Because Donald Trump and his large bus of idiots is going to pull up there and ruin everything. And the biggest problem is I don’t know how much he even gets out of it. Like he called the Maga Republicans are fascists I agree yeah they’re fascists. But I don’t think that only a few Republicans are like us I think they have control of the party. And that the “sane” Republicans are not numerable enough to counteract their shenanigans

  7. "First they created a miserly social security system and we tried to do a coup because we're bootlicking scum.

    Then they created a miserly health insurance system and we accused them of being communists because we're bootlicking scum.

    Then they incorporated mood-lighting and we accused them of being fascists because we're bootlicking scum."

    Bleat and seethe spineless, self-flagellating conservicucks.

    Stay frosty y'all.

  8. Trump: "all the liberals and all the democrats are radical extreme leftist antifa terrorists!"
    MAGAs: "this isn't dividing the country at all. Telling every republican to be suspicious and hateful of every democrat surely cant divide our country"
    Biden: "Democrats and Republicans need to unite to together to call out the minority of extreme MAGA republicans"
    MAGAs: "NOOOOO that's dividing the country! You can't call us out and hold us accountable for our rhetoric noooo!

  9. I seen the outrage-machine going and in Tucker's ~30 minute rant about it, he didn't aired even a single second of the speech… Oddly enough, he aired a bunch of clips from CNN, MSNBC and some other news channels who claimed Biden called Trump supporters "Proto Fascists".

    I checked out the speech and it was a banger! Since my memory isn't the greatest, I then did a Ctrl+F search in the transcript and didn't find a single occurrence of the word "fascism", "fasc" or even "proto". Weird.

    Good speech; bad lighting. MAGA's malding 'cause they're ignorant (Most don't even know the definition of fascism or extremism in my honest opinion).

  10. You know conservatives have no substantial arguments when instead of criticizing the speech, they complain about scary lighting lol. Shows the childlike mentality they have.


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