Al Murray – The human brain naturally thinks in English REACTION

#AlMurray #EnglishLanguage #Funny

Jodi and Nick react to Al Murray, a comedian from England, talk about how English is in the back of every human’s mind no matter what native language they speak.

Original video found:

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26 thoughts on “Al Murray – The human brain naturally thinks in English REACTION”

  1. At the end he said that Australians reduce 'Good day' down to 'G'day'. He then said that they take the OO that they'd discarded and use it later in a ridiculous place name. Some place like Wallagoolagong or the like.

  2. Americans use math instead of mathematics (maths). If it was 5×5, then maybe math, but if you do addition or something else to the sum it is plural. I'm sorry but it makes it plural and deserves an S.

  3. when he mentions the "cane" it was used until the late 80's in UK schools to whack kids with for being bad, either on the palm or the bum with a very thin cane… stung lol.

  4. For English you have German/Dutch/Gaelic, French (for 3 centuries post 1066 we spoke ancient french) not forgetting Latin and a smattering of Nordic viking…

    The spellings are all over the place mostly because that far back most people couldn't read or write so it fell to a few to create and formalise the written English language, which of course changed over a considerable timescale…

    For the spoken word even though we have Latin roots the predominant source was Germanic and therefore English is NOT a romance language like Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian.

    Americans received a heavy injection of the French verbal contraction after their independence. Not surprising given the close relationship they had and the support they received from them. You even named a game after a French Nobel man and military leader who fought along side you, and then forgot who he was…

  5. English is an evolving language and has always been that way. We also had different names for single items and multiple items (singular/plurals), like goose and geese. The Vikings changed that, as it was difficult enough to learn another language and also have to learn the different terms for single or multiple items. So, they just added an 's' at the end of a single item to mean more of them. And, as they had big swords, it kind of worked. The English language is full of history.

  6. English is a mess of a language because it's a mix of Germanic, French, Scandinavian and Gaelic languages. There's even soma Latin and Indian in there. That's why the rules are so inconsistent. This is due to the invasions of Britain in the past and later the pervasiveness of the British Empire.
    If you take a look at the place names in Australia you will see where all the double Os from G'day have gone to.

  7. The place names he's referring to are the ones named after aboriginal words or place names like Woolongong etc. We have some long ones and ones that are hard for foreigner to say but really they're not that hard.

  8. I would doubt ,if youwent back to one of the earliest civilisations in the World,Ancient Eygypt,that you could find even one single person who spoke English.Neither ,to make it plain to the bigots, did Jesus speak it,it is a language that did not exist until the late medieval period in England

  9. What language are you both talking in .Sounds like gobledegook to me . PS I' m 100% English speaking. Here in England Al is regarded as a genius level comedian for creating this character ,universally recognised as a classic example of a bigoted English pub landlord,and we really love him. As a matter of indisputable historical fact ,the English came to drink so much beer was because people were dying in their thousands and it took years to discover that it was the public water supply that was poisoning them .It took a long time to regain confidence in water again.


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