Air New Zealand aims for zero emission flights by 2026

Air New Zealand has unveiled plans to achieve a zero emissions target by 2026 and replace its Bombardier Q300 fleet with sustainable aircraft from 2030.


45 thoughts on “Air New Zealand aims for zero emission flights by 2026”

  1. How sad these people are so mentally ill.
    Physics and fuel density dictate that there is no commercial option with current technology unless there new aircraft is called the Hindenburg, so regressive.

  2. Coming next year, governor general and both houses of parliament will approve conscription of Australian males roughly aged between 18 and 45 to serve on the front lines in the Ukrainian war. To that effect MSM has been directed to present the war as one where the Russians have all, but lost in order to ready the populace. Mobilisation starting next year. You heard it here first.

  3. Too many negatives came through on horse racing did it, that you now turn comments off on both stories about horses. Hmmm, glad to hear people object.

    Horses changed my life, I now loathe horse owners because of what they do to them. My neighbour had this high spirited stallion constantly in this pen with no grass, all it did was chew the top of the fence post and when the guy came near him all you could hear was him yelling at the horse to do as it was told. And that is just one of hundreds of horror stories about horse owners and what they do to their horses, and what the RSPCA turns a blind eye to and says it's okay.

  4. The best way to achieve this is to collect all the farts released by Australians, their pets, and their farm animals and concentrate them into canning bottles. The mixture is so potent it, one bottle of this can power a 747 for an entire year!

  5. and how are they going to achieve this………………….

    Air New Zealand plans to start flying its aircraft partly on sustainable aviation fuel made from recycled cooking oil and animal waste

    The next stage…………………..

    the aim is to fly its first zero-emissions aircraft — either cargo or passenger — by 2026. And, secondly, it will begin to replace its Q300 domestic fleet with a more sustainable aircraft — likely green hydrogen or battery hybrid systems — from 2030.

    Is it possible well probably no……..

    there are two potential energy sources for zero-emission planes – hydrogen and electricity.

    “Due to the weight of current batteries, electric aircraft will be limited to short-range commuter missions sometime in the future reads a blog post.

    “Hydrogen-powered aircraft, on the other hand, is promising but not without their own technological challenges.”

    But you have to give a great clap for Air New Zealand

    They are very passionate about this, and will give it absolutely everything to be successful at it.”


  6. LOL! This made my day. Perhaps Air New Zealand will sell its fleet to China and then just rent the planes back – kind of like corporations getting rid of their IT staff and sourcing them from India – this would remove perceived "ownership" of troublesome emissions.
    I think Bedrock (Flintstones) is probably the utopian dream community of climarx minions.


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