Ahsoka – The Bad Side of the Force

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Ahsoka is finished. Dave Filoni saved Star Wars! Oh, wait, no he didn’t. In Part 4, Sabine puts an entire galaxy at risk of Thrawn’s return in order that she gets to see Ezra Bridger again, even though they barely have a relationship to speak of. Ahsoka seemingly dies, but doesn’t; and Anakin returns, because of course he does.

Part One: https://youtu.be/w8-UOjGxFUQ
Part Two: https://youtu.be/jO6miEBY3Io?si=gCf-B_yF50rzz_JM
Part Three: https://youtu.be/YK_lNO1u7GM?si=mz7tM7Lf8J5AaF-1

Rebels fans may have derived more joy from the show than the general audience. Then again, Ahsoka butchers a whole lot of Star Wars: Rebels lore as well, so… maybe not.

In order to avoid protracted copyright battles, I’ll be releasing this review episode-by-episode across the next couple of weeks.

Thanks to @Loftipixels and@MrBrownAlliance for their help with this video!

Monday night LIVE: The Best Show in the Universe (Probably): @BSUPyt

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The complete live Ahsoka breakdown playlist (courtesy of Mr Brown Alliance): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmYzKBKpSYyeyIeBXexj_jjbG5vGpduMV

Everyone Should Be Dead: 00:0001:00
Sponsor: Babbel: 01:0102:30
Ahsoka is an Idiot: 02:3110:40
Return of the Jedi is Meh: 10:4115:34
Big Ray is a Mystery Box: 15:3520:30
Guns Are Sword-Like Weapons: 20:3124:35
Who is Marrok? 24:3635:45
Ahsoka vs Balin Round One: 35:4645:00
Sabine is a Villain: 45:0152:50
The World Between The Worlds: 52:5158:48


50 thoughts on “Ahsoka – The Bad Side of the Force”

  1. You my friend, keep me sane.
    You taking the equivalent of a 20lb sledgehammer to this shite makes me all warm and fuzzy.
    I'll actually be sorry when you run out of garbage to critique…… 😂 Who am I kidding, you'll be spoilt for choice. Looking forward to your views on the Marvels. 😊

  2. I don’t think darth Vader identity was a secret. It was more like in the Ot before the dark times before Disney. It was everyone except the emperor, obi wan, and yoda that knew were dead. Back when order 66 meant something

  3. I'm one of those Rebel fans, and I think this show is awful. Insulting to the characters and the fans. I couldn't watch it beyond episode 3. And now I only watch your videos on it. They are much better.

  4. This is somewhat relevant to something I was talking to my friends about, but He, She, They, I, We, and You are all subjects, and Him, Her, Them, Me, and You are all objects, with You being the only current similarity between the two. That means, when you say " a rift between she and Sabine", you incorrectly label the subjects and objects, as it would be "her and Sabine" or "Sabine and her". This is a complex sentence, meaning that there are multiple subjects and objects within the same sentence. "If the show wants to portray the rift between she and Sabine, this might have been a handy way of showing it." The sentence structure is "if [sentence], then [sentence[". "If [show] [wants to portry] [rift], then [this] [might have been] [way] [of showing] [it]", wherein 'show' is the subject of that particular sentence, the one doing the portraying, and 'rift' is the object. 'Between' ends up as the preposition, stating that something is taking place, happening to, or involving two particular objects, those being 'Sabine' and 'her'.

  5. I had forgotten about the world between worlds until my watch of this video and it just reminds me of the best part about Ahsoka, her death. It was a great moment showing Vader was truly evil and was a good sad moment. But then again, it is Disney Star Wars, where even when they stumble upon a good plot moment, they feel compelled to royally fuck it up

  6. 13:45…angle on the txt crawl was so obtuse I had to “frame by frame” it to read it all before it was space dust…frankly a minor gripe. Especially given your propensity for presenting every point or argument you make as pompously well presented as I like to think I do.
    But still, it irked me…and, oh for ewoks sake!!! This just means we’re both a couple of pedantic poofters doesn’t it?! If the shoe fits…well, Chekov will tell you 😋

  7. What does the X-wing-flying captain bro say? I couldn't make it out with all three of them talking, sorry
    (I also could never make out his name, I think it's Teeva but I reckon I misspelled)

  8. You know whats sad, I kind of like the female antagonist(god I cant even remmeber her name). I think shes a convincing villain, and reading Darth Bane she almost reminds me of his Padawan in some way.

  9. France is a place that will mock you for trying to speak their language, for not doing it perfectly, Italy is a place where even if you try to speak very imperfect Italian, they will love you for trying.

  10. On the topic of the Republic's knowledge of Vader, I'm pretty sure that Disney canon expressly has that information revealed MUCH later in the timeline.

    From what I remember, one of the supplimentals for the sequel trilogy revealed that the reason why Leia was leading a rag-tag "Resistance" rather than the Republic's military is because she had a massive falling out with the public upon the discovery of her being Darth Vader's son… which hasn't happened yet.

    Disney canon: It's stupid on it's own and contradicts itself when put together! XD

  11. I gave up after episode 3. So done with this bullshit. Compared to this, Ahsoka in the animated series is a superior character. So is Hera and Sabine. The actors does not understand the characters or the script doesn't allow them too.

  12. I love everything about X-wing Alliance except the utter impossible trash that was the 2nd Death Star run. You could only do it if you were inhuman or turned on invincible. And then it just… ends. 😂

  13. On a costume level everything looks strangely clean, like they just got it yesterday. Then in later episodes the Stortroopers look like a amateur was told to make them look dirty, busted up an trashed and then attached trash to clean armor.

  14. My favourite thing about the OT is that it tells a story I can believe, same with the PT. Is it perfect? No, but do I enjoy watching and buy the world and characters? Yes. Asoka? No, no one acts like this.

  15. 4:40 – the "i got one!" scene works for Luke because he is a hopefull unexperiemced farm boy who never had shot a ship before, Sabine and Asoka made the dialogue so forced in that scene i turned my eyes away from the screen, now i understand why people complain they act like planks of wood 😂

  16. Of course Sabine knows more about droids and their software and hardware than an over 20,000 year old Jedi droid. How “stunning & brave” of the writers. But then again the “force is female” now right?


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