Ahmadiyya Leadership; The Traitors of the Muslim Ummah

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39 thoughts on “Ahmadiyya Leadership; The Traitors of the Muslim Ummah”

  1. Brothers, what did you do? The Qadianis are going mad! I haven’t seen this much (silly, really) comments so early on!
    LOVE the STREAM. very informative mashallah. May Allah accept your works 🤲

  2. Satan/devil is uniting all his followers to fight believers first, then moral humans second. Once there are no believers and no moral humans then he destroys his own followers by making them fight against each other. Humans are being played by the devil, but in tranches

  3. Holy Quran 4:159

    Every one of the people of the Book will definitely believe in him before his death. 1 And on

    the Day of Judgment Jesus(Peace be Upon Him) will bear witness against them.

    وَإِن مِّنْ أَهْلِ ٱلْكِتَـٰبِ إِلَّا لَيُؤْمِنَنَّ بِهِۦ قَبْلَ مَوْتِهِۦ ۖ وَيَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَـٰمَةِ يَكُونُ عَلَيْهِمْ شَهِيدًۭا ١٥٩

    All the Jews and all the christians in the world in 1908 did not believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who died in 1908 was Jesus(Peace be Upon Him) the Messiah!

    In 1897, a Christian missionary, Henry Martyn Clark, filed a lawsuit of attempted murder against Mirza Ghulam Ahmad at the court of District Magistrate Captain Montagu William Douglas in the city of Ludhiana. The charge laid against Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was that he hired a man by the name of Abdul Hameed to assassinate Clark. However, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was not detained by the police and was declared innocent by the then-magistrate Captain Douglas. Why was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad declared innocent by the British colonial powers?

  4. Please it is a request please also mention rohingya uighur with palestines because all of these muslim brethren have suffered and continue to suffer at the hands of oppressors

  5. The friend who asked about the death of Jesus as written in the Quranic text.
    The references you seek can be found in Surah Maryam Ayahs 30-31 May i ask is Jesus here saying He was going to be born and die.?
    What are your interpretations of this text or are the ayah clear?.
    Jesus Akbar may He bless you all.

  6. I have watched the full stream and read all the comments. Ahmaqi brothers have no answers to the points raised here! They are in the same situation in which their founder was seen on his death bed!
    May Allah give Hidayath to the Qadiyani folk!

  7. Ahmadiyyat stands out as the Muslim leadership that has successfully conveyed the genuine message of Islam to every corner of the globe. In contrast, these individuals are profoundly misled in their beliefs.

    Ahmadiyyat, may it flourish and prosper! ✊

  8. Mystic Imtiaz is only here to promote his lame channel rather embarrassing he has become a page 3 tabloid. Perhaps Izhar khan can pose for you as a page 3 girl while you’re at it (get some poses with topi on and off).

  9. Indeed, truth stands firm without the need for eloquence.

    Throughout history, adversaries of prophets have employed various tactics, revealing their intellectual shortcomings. Those who are perceived as misguided still seem to only appeal to like-minded individuals.

    Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (peace be upon him), the Prophet Messiah, upholds the sanctity of Islam, promoting a message devoid of hatred, terrorism, or distortion of others' perspectives. Instead, the Ahmadiyyat community follows the exemplary path of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and remains within the bounds of the Holy Quran.

    Long live Ahmadiyyat! ✊

  10. Listen Everyone, Can we please take note and get some love and views for our beloved brother Imtiaz, if not his show will be cancelled and we don’t “vont” that. Since Ahmadi brothers won’t show up to discuss while Beghairat panel members have been invited the viewership is down. Hence why brother Imtiaz was so mad during livestream and was about to cry. Lets calm him down and show him love ❤️. Imtiaz much love brother, even though you show us hatred and agree with Pakistani government to declare us as non Muslims and put a target on our backs (as well lying and deliberately misrepresenting us) we still show you love for all hatred for none. Sending big heart emojis your way ❤💗❤️. Your welcome Imtiaz, Our sadqa to you 🙏

  11. Everyone on the panel holds a nationality of a foreign country. Meaning they would hsve taken an oath to serve their majesties. Can anyone dare to get a Syrian nationality where theit Masih will descend with the two angels.

  12. Panic ensues as the offspring of evil perspire profusely.
    Folks, awaken to the fact that these individuals are merely spewing nonsense.
    1. Have any messengers of the Almighty ever faltered? No.
    2. Has any community of a prophet been hindered in spreading the divine message? No.
    3. Have the descendants of evil attempted to undermine and distort the message conveyed by the righteous souls? Yes, these streams are a testament to that.
    4. Have they resorted to violence? Yes.
    5. What has been the result? Their endeavors have consistently met failure.
    When they closed one door Allah opened many😉
    Long live Ahmadiyyat!👊

  13. Alhamdulillah
    Ahmadis are the only one in modern times within the muslim ummah who have helped where ever they could.
    And inshallah we will keep doing it.

  14. Much respect to Dr Izhar and his son Umar. It takes great courage to leave a cult/belief after growing up with it but these guys showed courage to open their eyes to become true muslims.
    Ahmadiyya is a business for the Mirza family and it's very clear to see. Followers need to be treated with patience because among them are truly evil souls who drag them back for their own monetary benefits which is truly evil

  15. What led me to the truth of Ahmadiyyat, beyond the strength of conviction, was the power of prayer. No other sect exhibits the same level of devotion and loyalty to the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad, the chosen one (peace be upon him). While the 72 sects invest their resources in vilifying the Jamaat of Allah, Ahmadiyyat is dedicated to serving humanity. The Jamaat is exceptionally well-organized in every aspect. It stands for non-violence, devoid of terror, hatred, or distortion of others' views.

    The most potent weapon of the Ahmadiyyat Jamaat is prayer, dua, and taqwah – something that sets us apart from other sects. However, we pray for Allah to lift the veil of ignorance that shrouds these lost souls.
    Ahmadiyyat Zindabad! ✊

  16. Their reps visit Israel, attend meetings with Israeili govt panels, and get invited to attend the welcome of state visits such as India by Israel.

    I don't need any daleel to know how deviated and poisonous the Ahmadiyah ideology is.

  17. The influx of unfavorable comments directed towards the believers in the Holy Prophet's (peace be upon him) messiah serves as a compelling affirmation of the prophetic wisdom. It vividly echoes the words of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), foretelling that only upon the emergence of the true messiah:

    – Despite their existing differences and animosities, various sects will unite to oppose this messiah.
    – Their actions will mirror the undesirable qualities of pigs and monkeys, akin to how a pig consumes filth, they will spew impurity, and no matter how finely dressed, their scholars will lack righteousness.
    – They will resemble the corrupt Jews who rejected Isa (peace be upon him).
    – Their mosques will be filled, yet devoid of true piety (taqwah).
    – They will sow discord across the globe.
    – They will employ non-Islamic methods to distort the message of the messiah.
    – It must be emphasized, whoever insults my messiah insults me.
    – The messiah and his community will be treated much like how my enemies treated me and my companions.
    – They will employ every conceivable means to distort my messiah's message, yet they will fail on every occasion.

    These are just a few of the prophetic revelations mentioned here, and indeed, it is a testament to how precisely these events have come to pass.

    The messiah's purpose was not to introduce new teachings but to purify the distortions introduced by scholars in medieval times.

    In this light, we proclaim, "Ahmadiyyat Zindabad!" with unwavering resolve. ✊👊


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