Aggressors can Ride in Land Raiders Now? Space Marine Transport Changes Have Fun Implications…

Let’s talk about GW’s teaser about Primaris in Firstborn transports and what it could mean for the Adeptus Astartes…

The little teaser at end of weapons article –

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0:00 Intro
0:29 Primaris Transports Changing?
4:13 Repulsors and Land Raiders
8:33 Rhinos
10:30 Impulsors
11:40 Drop Pods
14:02 Outro


32 thoughts on “Aggressors can Ride in Land Raiders Now? Space Marine Transport Changes Have Fun Implications…”

  1. Personally, I want drop pods to make a return, able to carry Intercessors, Hellblasters, Desolators, pretty much almost anything in Tacticus armor (with the exception of those with jump packs).

    What’s interesting is how Tacticus armor units could finally be getting a buff. As much as people don’t like the models, Desolaters are rough on tabletop. I feel as if to really make other Tacticus units is to give them access to all the transports and more weapon options. Phobos units have enough special rules that they really don’t need the transports, although a few wargear options, like lightning claws and maybe some combi weapons, wouldn’t hurt.

    Gravis units, more or less, are decked out to overwhelm with ridiculous firepower, and with the Eradicators’ melta rifles range dropping to 18”, having Land Raiders and Repulsors get them up there will be the best course of action. I will also say that Aggressors should get their double tap back of Eradicators keep their’s. Aggressors, per model, are losing 3 shots in favor of rerolling wounds. So why not? Boltstorm/Flamestorm Gauntlet shots don’t have AP and they’re short range. As a matter of fact, with the exception of Heavy Intercessors, all Gravis units will have an average of 18” max for range weapons. Which I wonder about Heavy Bolt Rifles, if they’re getting the same treatment as normal Bolt Rifles. I guess what would also happen to Heavy Bolters in the squad for that matter. Either way, Gravis units need a little more reliability moving from one area to another with the short range firepower they’re bringing. Land Raiders are perfect for them.

  2. so regular space chads can ride hover mobiles now? might get some just to make a flying/skimmer force, and 10th is possible to do a all "flying" army. no more than x3 of anything. so 18 landspeeders, then x3 of the chapter specific "flyers" a flying brick or three, a space wolf brick, and a DW brick. then we have all infantry where makes sensein flyer transports. lol.

  3. While it wasn't a unique character model, it does seem silly that Pri-Marneus Calgar can't ride in his Ultra-Limo the Land Raider "Maximus" simply because he crossed the rubicon. like the driver would say "Sorry Chapter Master, the machine spirit views Primaris as Tech heresy, you gotta walk!" Land Raiders can hold Primarchs, at least in 30k

  4. With rules changing so that characters now attach to units again, I would also like to see them go with new Heresy trend and have Rhinos and standard land raiders bump up to 12 transport cap so you can shove in a full squad plus a character or two.
    Or likely in the case of primaris, a squad of 5 plus a character.

    Good chance we'll at least see regular primaris being able to mount up in a drop pod, probably not gravis though.

    Also an extreme long shot, but I would love to see ability to put Phobos armour marines in land speeder storms.

  5. one thing I'm kinda worried about (minor thing) is with the change to twin weapon going back to giving a different effect rather than another shot could really hurt the OG Land Raider. 2 Lascannon shots with a reroll to wound, as a main weapon isn't anything to write home about. Same with the heavy bolter on the front. going from potentially 6 shots to 3 sounds like a not great development. But who knows, maybe the LR gets special rules for its weapons.

  6. They could make it so regular rhinos can carry 10 Firstborn marines but only 5 primaris marines. They already can't carry Terminators, so no Gravis armor units either. They could retroactively allow for 10 Firstborn as well. For Razorbacks, I suppose 5 of either could work too.

  7. I'd love to see the Land Raider get some kind of 'linebreaker' ability, where it can move through enemies and displace them (once per game, probably), then disembark your infantry in the thick of the enemy, behind their screening unit. That's their lore role anyway, and it'd be amazing to see them do that on the table.

  8. 4:08
    I’m gonna take an educated guess and say that the different types of lieutenants in X armor can attach to certain units

    My earlier comment last week about a Chapter Master in Phobos armor, a lieutenant in Phobos armor, and a squad of eliminators is looking like a reality

    Also, nice to see the Primaris keyword removed, at least for vehicles. I like the Repulsor, haven’t bought one, because I’m a treadhead. I like tanks with tracks. Definitely seems to be more of an incentive to buy the Primaris vehicles since they’re tougher, though.
    Terminators dropping out of a Repulsor Executioner, though. Ooh. Spicy

  9. Need to bring back the assault ramp to the crusader. Should be able to move, disembark and charge from it. Otherwise why does it have the frag launchers?? Was a very dumb move on GW’s part.

  10. It would be great for the narrative players if something were finally said about the narrative game.
    What happens to our badges of honor?
    What happens to the combat properties?
    What happens to the relics?
    How will Crusade change?
    The whole time only information is brought, which is nice and good for the competitive players, they are probably happy about all the changes for the competitive game, but for me as a pure narrative player it's all just BS.
    And it's just under a month until the 10th edition comes out, but the only thing we've heard regarding the narrative game is an info from 6-7 months ago; that there will be an extra rulebook for the narrative game and that's about it, I haven't heard any more info on this matter.

  11. How does primaris marines travel from the battlebarge to the planet surface? The have to use drop pods or orbital flyers to make it planetside. GW needs to stop being silly. Tanks don’t fly. So they get to the planet surface some how. I wonder what their answer would be.


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