California hit by heavy rain, but is the drought over?

California is known for its boom-and-bust weather and scientist are have said climate change is making droughts last longer and rain events more extreme.


33 thoughts on “California hit by heavy rain, but is the drought over?”

  1. You changed the law of God's creation and transgressed God's limits by allowing homosexuals and giving them rights that are not allowed or forbidden. Homosexuals are a danger to the universe
    God punished those who allowed transgression of His limits, for nature is one of God's soldiers
    Gays and homosexuals must not be allowed to have rights, otherwise God will do whatever He wants as punishment for our foolishness as human beings.

  2. In 2019 of May God's voice told me that he blessed America with gold and silver and was like a beautiful bride but now has become the Monster of Halloween, Buddhism, and Fortune reading. If you Americans allow laws like Marijuana to be legal, and don't fast, pray, repent, and take down the Marijuana laws and stop all sins; you guys will see not just one consequences but multiple that will only get greater leading to destruction and will not have peace until everything is destroyed. But if America choose to fast, pray, repent and let go of all sin and look for the lord; God will come back and stand with America and America will again become the beautiful bride. Go read Proverbs chapter 1-3 and 8. Isaiah chapter 1-2 and chapter 3:1-24 to understand.

  3. In 2019 of May God's voice told me that he blessed America with gold and silver and was like a beautiful bride but now has become the Monster of Halloween, Buddhism, and Fortune reading. If you Americans allow laws like Marijuana to be legal, and don't fast, pray, repent, and take down the Marijuana laws and stop all sins; you guys will see not just one consequences but multiple that will only get greater leading to destruction and will not have peace until everything is destroyed. But if America choose to fast, pray, repent and let go of all sin and look for the lord; God will come back and stand with America and America will again become the beautiful bride. Go read Proverbs chapter 1-3 and 8. Isaiah chapter 1-2 and chapter 3:1-24 to understand.

  4. In 2019 of May God's voice told me that he blessed America with gold and silver and was like a beautiful bride but now has become the Monster of Halloween, Buddhism, and Fortune reading. If you Americans allow laws like Marijuana to be legal, and don't fast, pray, repent, and take down the Marijuana laws and stop all sins; you guys will see not just one consequences but multiple that will only get greater leading to destruction and will not have peace until everything is destroyed. But if America choose to fast, pray, repent and let go of all sin and look for the lord; God will come back and stand with America and America will again become the beautiful bride. Go read Proverbs chapter 1-3 and 8. Isaiah chapter 1-2 and chapter 3:1-24 to understand.

  5. Climate science is clear , global warming ends normal rain patterns , promotes a drought deluge cycle , but overall decreases soil nutrients , reduces the grounds ability to absorb water . Too bad we ignore climate science . the droughts are permanent , and corporate media whitewashes and lies

  6. Only 20% of rainwater is captured? Why do we spend billions of dollars helping illegals in this state instead of spending that on capturing more rain water by creating new reservoirs and other water systems. I love this state so much but I hate the stupid Democrats running this state.

  7. Leviticus 26:4

    4 I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit.

    Isaiah 43:18-21
    18 “Forget the former things;
    do not dwell on the past.
    19 See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
    I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.
    20 The wild animals honor me,
    the jackals and the owls,
    because I provide water in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland,
    to give drink to my people, my chosen,
    21 the people I formed for myself
    that they may proclaim my praise.

  8. The problem with all the houses are the foundations that have been destroyed by the micro quakes of the fracking industries.The houses have no resell value and therefore will abandoned. This is not just a California issue

  9. It is too much water, my be the drought is over but not the flooding, if fact looks unstoppable, now well, The bible says in order that Satan doesn't take advantage upon you, don't ignore his works, Certainly Satan steals, kills and destroys by using fossil fuels, and every day gets even worse, however there is already an UNLIMITED RANGE ELECTRIC CAR, but you will not see it, unless!, you protest!!.

  10. It'll NEVER be over as long as democrats are still in office!! Trillions are dumped into the ocean by waterworks…that's a fact! Stop voting and installing these criminals in office!!

    PS climate change is not real, HAARP is real and they ARE doing this on purpose to push their BS agenda!

  11. The world's population has led to "environmental impact" and our cement infrastructure, redirecting or eliminating the natural routes of water flow is making the natural climate change worse. No one wants to breath & drink pollution or manmade chemicals. We can figure out steps to eliminate some of the mess we are in but seriously we are not going to be able to make a big difference for the whole world and there needs to be all of the world leaders/population working on a resolve, not just a few. Like Russia isn't for anyone but themselves and nothing will be resolved when this is the case.

  12. Kamala: "The issues that are present in the climate crisis are varied and it requires us to be present and…in front of each of the iterations and variations that include extreme weather that produces a lot of water and…drought."

    Yes, this is real.


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