Age of Darkness – Medieval Fantasy Zombie Apocalypse Strategy

Age of Darkness gameplay with Splat! Let’s Play Age of Darkness and check out a game where you’ll hold back tides of undead while protecting the land of the living from themselves, and their neighbors.

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33 thoughts on “Age of Darkness – Medieval Fantasy Zombie Apocalypse Strategy”

  1. I'm a lil confused already by the lore.

    Human king tries to betray elf dudes.

    Elf dudes say "Fuck you" and send the human king to hell.

    Humans say "OI! THAT'S TERRIBLE!" even though the human king was trying to fully betray the elf dudes…

    Elf dudes say "Fuk you."

    Humans commit genocide. . .


  2. Anyone else confused by the opening backstory? So the race that saved humanity and then protected it was betrayed by the king and that king was punished for that, but the narrator names the other race as traitors? I'm confused about the progressions there.

  3. This is one of my highly anticipated Early Access titles. It really seems like the Devs here took a lot of the criticisms of TAB and worked around them. The other thing I like is the Aesthetic. I like Zombies but the Nightmares look so cool. What I will say and I hope they smooth out is the animations, because they look a bit janky. Overall though the game looks fantastic, honestly didn't expect the story to be so grimdark. Reminds me a bit of Grim Dawn actually and I am obligated to say Warhammer Fantasy.

  4. Outside of starcraft 2's expansions, the last RTS I remember having great cutscenes for the campaign was Grey goo, and it was probably too expensive for the developpers because the game is pretty obscure and didn't sell well

  5. This is awesome!! I really loved the sandbox c. 2019-20 😃

    Gotta say though the fact that enemy buildings' destruct animation is a nightmare-creature fog, looks pretty janky. Did the player buildings have that death animation before? I forget. Probably because I rarely lost buildings 😎😉
    But yeah that's gotta be a nice crunchy crashing of beams blocks straw and fire etc. now that it's showing frequently

  6. OH. MY. GODS.

    Thank you Splatt for actually calling out the improper use of "decimate"… it's been bothering me, every time I hear it, and you're like the first one in a long time to mention it!

  7. Now, if I could play the game without the input bugs that have plagued me over and over, that would be cool.

    It has glitches likely tied to the movement problems you saw in this video. Playing in survival units will stop responding to commands. Stand there and take it or get locked into a looping movement and I have to reload from a save. I gave up and will be waiting till they fix it.

  8. Splat, I don't think you need to be TOO worried about the next 'Death night. using a rough calculation of 4Billion days, you are looking at 11 MILLION years. Don't wait up!😆😆😆

    Carrots? Big carrots? Have you seen the size of the bloody RABBITS???

  9. – Narrator specifically says that Ezekiel betrayed the Elosans then completely ignores the fact and keeps calling them betrayers
    – Says the Elosans were wiped off the face of Eredar but then turns out half-bloods are a thing. Are they completely wiped out or not?
    – Chill old man known for telling stories goes hungry for blood after touching a crystal for half a minute, it gets brought up but people never actually try to stop him, even though it's implied they knew him for a long enough time to know it's not something he'd do ("How many times must we hear these dusty tales of yours, Hector?")
    – Hector completely forgets they needed the woman's blood and burns her at the stake. And that's not a problem because Elosans are still abundant enough to still be sacrificed despite being wiped out from Eredar?
    – Merek must've had the fastest horse in the kingdom to zoom all the way to Vizargo's village and back in such a short amount of time
    – "We should hurry save Merek the murderer before he gets himself killed", coming from someone who questioned the Archbishop's order in the beginning
    – Personal issue of mine but lord I hate timeskips. Especially timeskips during which allegedly good people have nothing to say against a comically evil character

    Pity about the world building, actually had something interesting there but the writing leaves much to be desired.

  10. Such a dark vision of the utter failings of alleged 'humanity'. The evil and corruption 👺 seems to be everywhere…
    Still, I guess that's what's needed for Heroes to arise.
    This looks a good one! 👍🤗 Thank you, Splatty! 🙏
    M 🦘🏏😎

  11. I think this sold me on the game overall. I was really sour on They are Billions for a lot of reasons, so I didn't give this more than a cursory look. Seeing this taste of the campaign though? Sold.


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