Against All Odds: The Story of IPSCO's First Fifty Years

The unique business story of the little-company-that-could, surviving a rocky start in Western Canada to become one of North America’s most successful steel and pipe makers. The unlikely tandem of a Texas-born industrialist and a socialist politician from Western Canada set in train a series of events that were the foundation for the birth and growth of IPSCO, one of North America’s most successful steel and pipe makers. Against all odds it outpaced its much larger U.S. competitors who simply could not undermine the spirit and tenacity that is IPSCO.

▬ Chapter Selection ▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:00 – Introduction
00:48 – Canada’s Bread Basket
06:41 – A Wild Idea
09:59 – Reverse Takeover
11:00 – Turvey Takes Charge
19:08 – A Good Time for the Company
24:37 – Winds of Change
28:51 – The Disaster Caster
32:18 – Goin’ South
42:00 – Steel Short
48:51 – Conclusion
49:55 – End Credits


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