Against All Odds: Man Creates Thriving Regenerative Farm In 18 Mins! Get Inspired Today!

Against All Odds: Man Creates Thriving Regenerative Farm In 18 Mins! Get Inspired Today! Weโ€™ll touch on the details of how I took an overgrown mess of a piece of property and made it a successful farm in just 8 years. Hope yaโ€™ll enjoy!
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36 thoughts on “Against All Odds: Man Creates Thriving Regenerative Farm In 18 Mins! Get Inspired Today!”

  1. Just remember having children will NOT fix a bad relationship. If you do not find the right woman and you have a kid with the wrong one you will end up living in a Trailer Park trying to make Child support payments wile she gets the entire farm. And your little head has no clue who the right woman is.

  2. It is amazing what you have done is a short amount of time. If Miracle could find some land at those prices it would be a dream. For now she will keep saving money and only being able to lease. You are right goats die for fun. Can't wait to see the new half South Poll calves. Blessings

  3. Hi Josh, thanks for the vid – very insightful! No experience in cattle or ranching, so forgive my ignorance. Why such a large number of cattle (49) if youโ€™re only butchering and selling a fraction of them (4-8) each year?

  4. Hi there stoney ridge farmer hope the message finds you doing well.
    How does what the people who are destroying our world with there agenda 2030 and this new "old" world order BS effect the land and animals?

    I'm not sure if you're aware but even though you are not putting chemicals on your land there has been a massive campaign to control the weather and climate by using very hazardous chemicals like aluminum oxide and many others so the soil, thus animals are never the less being some what contaminated with toxic chemicals.

    These toxic chemicals have been building up in our body's, soil, & breathable air colums and are effecting everything in the world so that they can then call it a crisis to then create a new way to tax everyone for a supposed carbon foot print "Climate change "to then pay for new ways to steal, kill, and destroy humanity like they've been doing in secret but are now openly telling us.

    Any way if you're somewhat understandably skeptical I urge you to look into agenda 2030, as well as GeoEngineering.

    Everything is connected to serve this cabal of none elected people like Klouse Shuab from the World Economic Forum "WEF" & not so secret societies that have been causing pain, death, and destruction for Melina.
    Please know that even though it may be very tempting to dismiss this as deniable and questionable I urge you to question everything and be ready for anything.
    I only say this because it is people like you that have targeted for destruction and failure and care about our dreams to truley be free!!!
    I admire & respect you and have subscribed to your YouTube channel because
    like you have dreams of living free and have love for our land and like the thought of being indapendant of this system of tyranny driven by evil that has no problem committing Genocide to achieve their goals at all costs with no accountability.

    Much love and blessings brother to you and your family, be well my friend.

  5. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿป๐Ÿป๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅƒ๐Ÿฅƒ๐Ÿฅƒโ˜•๏ธโ˜•๏ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

  6. Wow so much subscribers I remember when their was one hundred of us am happy to see you healthy and strong may God continue to bless you to live to see many more years my favorite childhood youtubeer I now become a adult myself and it sucks

  7. Hey Josh! I love the idea that In north America you fence the areas you want your livestock the be in. In Latin America we fence the perimeter of our property to keep other livestock away..

  8. Great video, very informative. Thank you.
    Would you be so kind as to do a deeper dive on starting with livestock? I am seriously looking at going that way, but don't want to start with an expert-level animal. My thought was chickens into chickens/sheep. I know there is no way I am thinking of everything though, so would love the input.
    Good luck with everything and God bless!

  9. Josh hey buddy Iโ€™ve been using a t mobile pre paid sims card in my Reolink. I pay about $100/m for it and I think itโ€™s kind of a rip off. You said Argo? Can you elaborate on that a little bitโ€ฆ Iโ€™m looking to change it up. Iโ€™ve had the old Reolink camera for about 2 1/2 years. Thank You Sir

  10. In my opinion, I always do just about everything myself. Even if I lose money the first time, I will know how to do it for the rest of my life after. Itโ€™s like paying for your own education about a certain subject. If I hired out all my work I would be broke. The old time farmers never hired anything out and thatโ€™s why they were so successful. Most people now a days should hire things out because very few people have skills and talent these days. Rich people hire work to get done for them. And thatโ€™s why there children have no real life skills. Hire out your lawn service, house keeper, dog walker etc.

  11. The men in the generation before us know how to do everything themselves. That was out of necessity. Because they couldnโ€™t afford to hire someone to do it for them. But they werenโ€™t going to let that hold them back from what they wanted to accomplishment. After awhile you realize you have gained all the skills you need to do anything yourself.

  12. Very much appreciate your videos. Still living in city right now. Not ready to purchase yet. But have learned a lot about chickens, etc.. from your videos.
    Ive converted 1/3 of a 15×20 garage into an indoor coop, and an outdoor run attached to garage. Thank you for all the information!


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