After 1000 years in captivity, TROLL awakens in modern-day Norway and begins to sow HORROR AND FEAR

An ancient troll wakes up in the mountain of Dovre, Norway, and is destroying its way through the city; now a group of eccentric scientists must find a way to stop it.

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34 thoughts on “After 1000 years in captivity, TROLL awakens in modern-day Norway and begins to sow HORROR AND FEAR”

  1. With everything that happens you can pretty much remove the geologist from the story and the outcome would relatively be the same. If the soldiers and uv lights weren't gonna kill it, the sun would've

  2. Humanity murdered the troll's family out of greed and fear. That was so heartbreaking. I felt so sorry for him and wanted him to survive. Nora tried to save him, but it was too late. That troll meant no harm to anyone. He just wanted to go back to his family. The trolls were the victims, and humans were the monsters. When the troll cried, I felt so sad for him.

  3. Just seen it on Netflix. It's pretty good. It reminds me of Godzilla with the worm guy. Could have had an alternate ending within the cave. Other than that, it was good for sci-fi fans just like myself.

  4. This was actually a pretty good movie. I liked the folklore behind it and the beautiful countryside. I think there should of been a bit more background to it but I guess a sequel could fill in the gaps. But still a good movie to watch.

  5. The "leaders" are shown the footage of the troll yet they are in disbelief. Nora suggests the bells yet they are not ready to listen. Given hard proof about everything yet skeptical of everything. How dumb you gotta be for that πŸ˜‚ old farts.

  6. Dovre have allwas been a important place in Norwegian folklore specially when it comes to Trolls.. even when we had or Consutition made the Eidsvollede ( Eidsvoll Oath ) say Enige og Tro inntill Dovre faller wich translate to Believe and Agree until Dovre falls.


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