Knights of the Old Republic – 12 – I hope you like turret sequences…

Time to save the star wars galaxy, BioWare style. Who is our mighty hero? It’s er… Worn Polo? Seriously? Alright then…


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12 thoughts on “Knights of the Old Republic – 12 – I hope you like turret sequences…”

  1. Hurray! Someone with the correct opinion on Kreia! I think she's wonderfully performed by her voice actress but I don't think the question "What if Ayn Rand was a Calvinist?" was one that needed to be answered.

  2. "I challenge you to a duel on the Dune Seas of Tattooine!"
    "The Dune Seas of Tattooine!?"
    "Yes, the Dune Seas of Tattooine!"
    "Very well, let us meet upon the Dune Seas of Tattooine"
    "You must take me-"
    "To the Dune Seas of Tattooine?"
    "Yes, the Dune Seas of Tattooine"

  3. 7:29 You know… I don't think I ever did this quest. I'd try talking to her between planets, and then… stuff happens. So i just started evicting her from my ship and eating the DS points.
    10:00 This will only end well…
    13:20 Now I'm reminded of SWTOR's Cartel Coins… which were in-universe "space coin", based on the description. Huttcoin, if you will.
    16:08 [REDACTED]
    17:17 Yea… it's a hell of a place.
    20:59 I'm surprised it wasn't happening more often, tbh.
    22:52 Swoop racing is definitely a high point for both games, imo. KOTOR2 has my favourite track, but my second favourite is Manaan.
    23:41 A kindred soul! I don't know how anyone likes that bitch. No matter what you do, you're wrong. At least with some Morrigan-like characters there's a way to not be criticized at every turn.
    25:01 You can spite her just as much playing DS, trust me. She finds new an interesting ways to call you a bloodthirsty savage. Spiteside sounds fun, though.
    30:50 Ooh, I should see if KOTOR 2 actually still works, then. I could do the side-by-side thing and further irritate the people that are giving me flak for these comments. Also, it's a fun game to play modded.
    33:04 The (EMPTY) tag is so useful. It's also fun in KOTOR 2 to watch a footlocker or something you haven't checked get populated in front of you.
    34:23 Even Mission's throwing her brother under the bus!
    51:19 As someone who just experienced FF7's Wall Market with original translations… very VERY confused.
    54:02 They really like using Tatooine in this one. Korriban would be just fine for a deathmatch, it's not like the Sith give two shits.
    54:58 I'm sure there's an A.I. "discussion" out there. I mean, there's one with Joshua Graham and Kreia.
    57:26 "I challenge you to a duel in the Dune Sea!" …"Could you be any less specific?"
    1:03:06 I was not expecting that, that's great.
    1:12:47 Yea, iirc, the Baragwin stuff is the best stuff in the game. Like most of Suvam's stuff, it's already top-tier, but it's also upgradeable.


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