Aegis – Starfield Class B Corvette Inspired by The Matrix Complete Vanilla Endgame Ship Build Guide

Greetings, captains! In this Starfield ship build guide I show you how to build the Aegis, my first ever TRUE class B build that uses the best engines in their class. The design of the ship was inspired by the ships from the Matrix universe, such as the Nebuchadnezzar, Novalis, Mjolnir, etc. To go along with the exterior design, I also wanted the ship to function like the ships from the movies, relying heavily on turrets for the ship’s defense against the machines. The combat showcase for the Aegis includes a comparison of three weapon loadouts, two of which have turrets equipped. ‘Aegis’ has roots in mythology, but the most basic translation of the word is “shield”. For my ship, the name refers to the Aegis of Athena, which was used as a weapon as well as a defense.

The Aegis is great fun to fly and can haul a respectable 3010 base cargo. With 99 mobility, there is no real need for turrets. I took advantage of this and equipped the game’s two most powerful particle beam weapons, and paired those with the venerable Vanguard Hellfire Autocannons. This loadout, as you will see in the combat showcase, is frighteningly effective at deleting ANY hostile craft. It is so effective in fact, that I will soon be joining the Crimson Fleet out of pity for the embarrassment that I gave them while flying this ship. They’re doomed without me!

Featured playlists:

00:00 Introduction
01:20 Wize Old Wizard Content
02:28 Build Requirements
03:19 Deimos Staryard Starter Ship and Parts
04:43 Taiyo Astroneering Parts
05:56 Red Mile Part
06:30 Hopetech Parts
08:14 Outpost Landing Pad Full Build
27:13 Complete Ship Interior Tour
32:16 Combat Showcase – Loadout Testing – Serpentis
48:51 Combat Showcase – The Key
50:25 Combat Showcase – Legendary Ships


35 thoughts on “Aegis – Starfield Class B Corvette Inspired by The Matrix Complete Vanilla Endgame Ship Build Guide”

  1. That is by far the baddest ship I've seen yet! (Not bad meaning bad, but bad meaning good!) My current pet ship is a Star Trek TNG Borg cube inspired ship, but it's done in a mix of primary colors and I call it the Borg Lego Brick. It's 6 decks by 4×6 and more or less hollow in the core. Early iterations had to be flown in third-person because the cockpit was hidden inside, but now I use an S-E Kon-tiki bridge on top of the "brick".

  2. i have to say…. you now have to rename your character Mr Anderson 😂
    no but for reals, the matrix interpretation in a game that has nothing to do with it is amazing. such a great build, as always!!
    its super super dope!
    it exceeded my expectations truthfully

    i gotta get on your level of starship fighting haha 😉
    thank you for such a big effort as always!

  3. By far and away, the best Starfield ship builds. Looks like I need to get back in the game and give this one a go. I’ve paused playing Starfield for a bit waiting for mods but a Wizard ship is good enough reason to jump back in.

  4. Great to see a new ship. I’d just built the SCYTHE and then they updated the game and it just kept crashing over and over. I just uninstalled the game as it was unplayable after the update. Any ideas if they fixed the crashing bug in the series S?

  5. There are lots of ship builds on YouTube for Starfield but I keep coming back to yours because of the attention to detail in your videos that let's me know up front everything I need to build a ship like skills, level, money, parts locations, etc.

  6. Love your ship build videos! First thing on my list when a start a NG+ is to get the Razorleaf and build the Basilisk. (As soon as I can grind out the cash of course! lol) Keep up the great work!

  7. Love the Aegis Wiz! Looks gorgeous.

    I've sadly stepped back from Starfield because of bugs driving me up the wall. 3 level 100 characters not achieving the achievement kinda did me in. I might reinstall when the DLC/Expansion comes out. But I will always keep watching your builds. You were the first that showed it without click baiting MOST AWESOME SHIP EVER! vids. Class act. Keep em coming, I thoroughly love watching these.

  8. The Basilisk is still my favourite of yours, but this one is also right up there. I really like that all your ships are so different to each other.

    I'm slowly making my way to NG+10 so I can finally settle down and make myself a Vytinium Fuel Rod manufacturing facility. Gotta admit, chasing those sparkly lens flares in the temples is soul-destroyingly boring, but I am enjoying your ship designs along the way. Looking forward to building my (modified) Basilisk again when I'm done. With any luck there will be an update in the mean time which fixes the unreliable cargo links, otherwise I might tear my hair out, with trying to automate Vytinium Fuel Rod production.

    Keep up the great work, man. I really enjoy your videos.

  9. Oh, just as a total side note… I wanted to put this idea somewhere on the internet, and this is as good a spot as any.
    How much would you like to have a 1×1 hab with a small motorcycle in it? … Like the one Tom Cruise rides in Oblivion. That's all the vehicle I'd ever need, and a bike could handle the rough terrain without having to be some kind of oversized monstrosity of a vehicle. No need to overthink it. Make the bike seat work for two, so Andreja could bemoan the instability of two-wheeled vehicles while clinging for dear life. 🙂 … make it comically unrideable in very low G, because the boost pack is fun in low G anyway.


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