AC | AI Dungeons and Dragons Campaign 1 – Introducing 'Mortalazur' (5e TTRPG)

Dive into the intriguing world of Mortalazur in our latest “Dungeons and Dragons 5e” experience! This is not your ordinary tabletop role-playing adventure (TTRPG). In this episode, we explore the unique landscapes and rich histories of Mortalazur’s main continents.

Traverse the wealthy and powerful realm of Auroros, gaze upon the hidden metropolises thriving beneath the sandy wastes of Zephyria, witness the eternal power struggle between the twins ruling North and South Veridia, and ponder the enigmatic mysteries of the uncharted Arcanterra.

Mortalazur is a world that breathes, grows, and evolves with every decision and every roll of the dice. Join us on this mesmerizing journey into the heart of D&D 5e.

Watch as Joe Rogan leads the party of Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Gordon Ramsey and Miley Cyrus as they team up for an epic adventure into the fantastical world of Dungeons and Dragons! With the help of AI voiceovers ( Elevenlabs ) and AI-generated imagery ( Midjourney) , this motley crew dives headfirst into a world filled with perils, intrigue and plunder.

At TheAIGuy, the goal is to blend compelling narratives and captivating action on par with celebrated shows like Critical Role and Dimension 20. Yet, we never lose sight of the uproarious humour inherent to such a unique ensemble. Join us for a D&D experience unlike any other!

TTRPG – 5e Dungeons and Dragons
Cast: DM – Joe Rogan; Tronald – Donald Trump; Saxiron – Elon Musk; Raarh – Gordon Ramsay; Gylro- Samuel L Jackson

Step into our bustling Discord community, where the excitement never pauses! Engage in enlightening Q&A sessions, dive deep into theories, seek out your next D&D group, discuss your favourite TV shows and anime, share your own Elevenlabs & Midjourney creations or simply enjoy some lively conversation. Join us and be a part of the endless fun! –

If you’re inclined to go the extra mile in supporting our creative journey, consider contributing through Patreon. Your generous support will aid me in dedicating my full-time attention to this exhilarating adventure, and fuel the realization of many more exciting, out-of-the-box ideas I have lined up! –

And a resounding salute to all of you magnificent dungeon divers, AI aficionados, and comedy connoisseurs. Your unwavering support and enthusiasm are the driving forces that keep this remarkable journey alive and thriving! You’re all amazing!


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