G. Edward Griffin Issues Emergency Warning Beware False Leaders in the Fight Against the Globalists

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31 thoughts on “G. Edward Griffin Issues Emergency Warning Beware False Leaders in the Fight Against the Globalists”

  1. I think Andrew Tate is one of those false leaders. Since he talk about the matrix and masculinity all the time. But not how to actually be free or how to become your greatest version

  2. Read the prophetic Word of God.
    Really! He warned us if deception and named the confounding ways that will mislead! Jesus Christ is the Word of God, Creator of all that is seen and unseen. We are guven all we need in Christ. He opens blind eyes, restores the lame, the duseases of traditions designed to control and manipulate our daily lives are exposed.
    Turn to Christ, receive forgiveness for sins and know the redeeming love of Father God


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