ABC and SBS still using China-made DJI Drones

Liberal Senator James Paterson says the ABC and SBS have “made no commitment” to stop using China-made DJI Drones, unlike other arms of the Australian government.

“The Australian Defence Force, the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Border Force and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade have all agreed to ground their DJI drone fleet.”

“These are drones made by a company closely linked to the Chinese Communist Party.”


15 thoughts on “ABC and SBS still using China-made DJI Drones”

  1. Only reason incompetent people progress, is because somebody wants to mould every inventor of this earth into an arm's manufacturer. Why? Because they can't invent jack themselves they have to provoke the genius out of their victims like they poke at animals in a zoo. Or how they poke their judgement into other people's nations. And how they think they can elevate an authority based on their own lack of ability to produce effective logic and want for the concepts continued discussion. This is the only way they can establish authority by taking advantage of their own inability to produce logic and wind that up to a point where the consequence again might lead to production of new weaponry which they'll steal and use to defend their regime.

  2. So Paul wants the ABC to throw out these very expensive pieces of equipment, that work perfectly well, and replace them at tax payer's expense. Does anyone seriously believe he wouldn't be up in arms at the ABC for wasting tax payer's money if they did just that?

  3. James Paterson is one of the best operators in Parliament now.
    Lad is absolute gold. Knows his stuff. Will be a big player when Dutton and Ley win the 2025 Election.

  4. Surely Andrews is breaking some law or at a minimum behaving in an unpatriotic manner in blocking our press from a meeting Andrews had with many CCP front line defenders. Pull Andrews into line Albo. Don't go around the world telling our allies that we have to stand together against the CCP, meanwhile one of your fellow leftist leaders here have been way too close to the CCP. Andrews wanted to sign up for the belt and road. Morrison put a stop to that. You need to do the same Albo. Stomp all over Andrews support for the CCP

  5. Defence etc dropped the DJI drones because they think the drones the send Intel back to China. They didn’t drop the drones because of ethical concerns. ABC and SBS don’t have the same security issues, and northern do they have ethical concerns (for anything, let alone slave Labor).

  6. China makes 70% of the worlds drones….and many drone parts of the remaining 30% are also from China….it’s a very hard market to ignore! Just picking on 2 agencies, which you probably dislike anyway, is childish.

  7. Paterson is pushing the same junk again and again 😂😂😂 . Check his home, it’s full of made in China stuff. He’s a traitor.


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