C9 and T1 win SLUGFESTS / Is it time for LCS teams to SELL? – Summoning Insight S5E23 (feat. Parth)

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Join MonteCristo and Thorin with guest Parth Naidu, former GM and coach of TSM, as they discuss the first round of LCS playoffs, the surprising drafts in the DAMWON KIA vs T1 series, the slugfest of CLG vs C9, the grassroots issues with the NA scene, the future challenges that the LCS faces with declining viewership, and more.

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This episode was filmed on August 22nd, 2022.

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0:00:00 – Channel updates

0:04:59 – Caedrel and Wolf drama

0:16:18 – Doublelift attempts to podcast

0:23:56 – KOI buys 60% of Rogue’s LEC slot

0:43:23 – LCK discussion

1:07:49 – Parth intro + importance of regional strength

1:17:45 – NA competitive ecosystem and PlayVS issues

1:24:30 – Collegiate LoL

1:29:42 – LCS viewership and partnerships

1:46:39 – Importing players

1:57:47 – What’s causing LCS viewership to go down?

2:12:48 – LCS next year

2:32:49 – FlyQuest vs Team Liquid

2:40:21 – Cloud9 vs CLG

2:59:46 – GROGcoin questions + “Anti-Thorin team”

3:04:09 – Public communities

3:05:49 – Western players who are respected in the East

3:07:33 – Rubber band mechanics

3:13:30 – Could we see a full LCK + LPL Worlds Quarterfinals?

3:16:02 – LAN vs online LoL esports

3:18:26 – “Non-problematic” stars

3:22:11 – LoL leagues as beverages

3:25:11 – How will I know if he really loves me?

3:27:28 – Vitality question

3:29:20 – Wonder Woman question

3:30:47 – Making last-place teams pay a fine

3:32:29 – Saving a champion from being banned in draft

3:35:48 – Narrative parallels in LCS and LCK

3:36:59 – Shows that you won’t be watching

3:41:19 – Misunderstood ideologies

3:48:12 – Removing people from the esports industry

3:53:35 – Thoughts on Hemingway

3:54:25 – Early internet shock media

3:56:19 – Gen.Griffin

3:56:57 – Xiaohu question

3:57:52 – Worst esports career choices

4:02:01 – Best “hoisted by your own petard” moment in esports



30 thoughts on “C9 and T1 win SLUGFESTS / Is it time for LCS teams to SELL? – Summoning Insight S5E23 (feat. Parth)”

  1. I'm English so i watch LEC.. and watch the bigger games in LCS.. being successful internationally matters.. NA getting shit on every year really hurts interest.. just like how G2/FNC ACTUALLY competing with the EAST from like 2018 to 2020 REALLY helped the LEC and you could argue even EU masters.. because it gave some hope that we can compete internationally.. actually MSF kind of started this trend back in 2017 vs SKT.. You would have hoped LCS used TL success of beating IG to springboard but they got embarrassed the following day vs G2

    But even with the LEC.. i didn't have hope we would do much last year with MAD.. nor really this year.. i am still watching but my enthusiasm has def dipped

  2. Why don't scrim your academy and pause the game a shit ton to let the players think then execute, this is literally how to practice quick thinking you start by slow thinking

  3. Heres the thing, those team owners will never show up to a talkshow knowing that the hosts are gunning to call them out on their garbage. In my eyes, the fact that they even agreed to show up on Doublelift's show is proof that they dont see him as a legitimate figure within the industry.

  4. I think it's an indictment of the leagues and their ability to attract, pay and grow talent that has lead to the rise of costreamers. If the LCS broadcast is so boring that people would rather watch a few people just chatting about the games (with little to no production budget) then they should all be fired and those people that can actually bring in viewership and an audience should replace them. I stopped watching LCS after years of boring content and now i only watch a few highlights and the tricast for super weeks. Also not everyone has that much time to just watch a fuckton of lol esports content, so they would rather watch the costream with the people they like than both the mid broadcast and then some extra vod review of the same game they just watched. Not everyone watches league content for their job and can spend that much time on all the content out there.

  5. 1:30:25 In one word: Personality
    LCS teams became teams with the same corporate branding, the same corporate PR talk, etc.
    In LEC you can see the personality of the players shine much more, the Production also tries WAY HARDER to create personality on the league and the teams.

  6. Icant handle the cringe in the official broadcasts segments between games these days, casting also feels lacking which is why i watch costreams to distract myself from it with a more comfortable personality

  7. Caedrel is a bit sus I don't know… He says pretty dumb shit, even with the drama about Upset and his wife… he is another kid who people follow so he thinks everything he says matters and is smart…

  8. The rubber band mechanics weren't why DK lost vs Gen G. DK lost because everyone on DK played like a shit, including Canyon after his early game. You don't automatically win a game because 1 person does well the first 10-15mins.

  9. I truly feel a big factor why viewership went down as well was all the popular orgs were riddled with controversies over the past few years whether it be internal, roster moves, coaching staff, and etc. Also very popular NA players slowly went away or turned to straight dog water while the remaining players still playing have personality of a wet blanket. I just never felt like there was any team/player to root for the past few years. I mean even DL in his worse year in lcs people still tuned into clg matches just to see if he could win again lol. At least EG is stepping up and they were super entertaining to watch in MSI even though they had no chance.

  10. Just a quick heads-up, Monte is a great guy but what he said about "love" might be dangerously misunderstood. Love can't be reversed engineered by just love yourself and people will love you. People can love you unconditionally but loving someone else is a skill. Usually it is taught throu parenting but can be learned at later stages still.
    I'm also off the opinion that you can't love yourself unless you are able to love another person since that is usually how we develop every skill in life (we mimik behaviours, emotions and actions).
    Hence the saying you can only forgive yourself if you learn to forgive others.

    Keep up the great show, very entertaining and great to listen to!

  11. I do wonder, about viewership, how many other people are like me and just finally gave up on the game so they don't watch anymore (incoming boomer take S3-5 was better). Honestly, all I watch for league nowadays is summoning insight and Dom vids and I've moved onto other esports.

    Ofc, this doesn't explain LEC viewership going up so I must be in the minority, but I'm curious how many others are in the same pool as me

  12. I really, really enjoyed Parth being on the show. Was cool to hear his thoughts and optimism about the scene and that he has been spending his time trying to plan and take action to improve NA as a whole. Would love to see him come back now and then.

  13. Co-streaming doesn't ruin shit lmao, if anything it keeps the leagues alive, there is no chance I would ever watch LCK main broadcast. Leagues can do their shitty little narratives, and I'm just gonna watch the game with someone that actually knows their shit like Caedrel and IWD. The last thing I want when watching a game 5 of a series is casters like Wolf putting me to fucking sleep. And btw, Wolf being the ''most experienced esports caster in human history'' is doing the polar opposite of what you think it is.

  14. Damn this episode slaps! Monte n thorin rolled out some really nice topics for parth. Always love the back n forth between you two and a well spoken fluent guest. Such as parth

  15. As a person who buys beer for a living, your responses to the LoL Leagues as beverages were spot effing on. Especially the LEC as a Cask Pub Ale. I was literally thinking “I think an ESB would be great because of the history and the subtleties”


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