AB Live – Steroids, Diet, Training, & Tasteless Humor

Join the Anabolic Bodybuilding crew to talk all things bodybuilding.


28 thoughts on “AB Live – Steroids, Diet, Training, & Tasteless Humor”

  1. Rebound does work you have hunger and can eat clean foods volume,you are more fit ,better insulin sensitivity ,your stress gets lower less cortisol less cardio if younarent burnt out you are in optimal condition,you need less food eith your slow down metabolism you can add healthy fiid that calorie content mafe you exclude in your cut ,so anything binds if you plann it correctly

  2. Metformin and Berberine are as different as test and primo are. Two completely different mechanisms of action to lower blood glucose. Berberine works like a DPP-4 inhibitor which in my experience doesn’t work as well as a drug like metformin if taken properly. Metformin is effective up to 1800mg according to studies but this is for an ADA diet which is about 180-230 grams of carbs a day. The bodybuilding diet needs more than just an oral pill for glucose modulation as you are aware. The pancreas can’t keep up with our high doses of carbohydrates. In any case, bodybuilders need to use other oral Type 2 DM drugs like a SGLT-2 inhibitor or an injectable like a GLP-1 agonist. The bodybuilding world is lacking big time on glucose modulation knowledge. Everyone just slamming insulin without knowing when and how to use it properly without using any orals to protect insulin sensitivity etc. This arena begs further research and testing in our world of bodybuilding… enjoying the show guys….keep it coming.

  3. Justin Harris always talks about doing your high days on the day you want the most growth but I normally am a lot more lethargic during high day work out. Push day for whatever reason is where I have the most energy so now that is normally my high day and my priority body part I do the following day.

  4. Jesus Christ that dicks in pussies L carnatine section made me laugh so hard I forgot the message and now am more confused about the chemical than when you started the chat 😂

  5. The comment about “maybe you’re just too stupid to use blank…” my god I can relate to that one. Half the guys I talk to at the gym would just hurt themselves. Prerequisites definitely should include IQ higher than 80


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