A Team of Tanks in Overwatch 2 is UNSTOPPABLE

What would 3-4 tanks on one team look like in Overwatch 2? Welp we got to find out! It was a blast playing with Emongg, Seagull, and KArq to see what GOATs in OW 2 would be like!

Everything is streamed live @ https://www.twitch.tv/flats before being uploaded to YouTube.

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29 thoughts on “A Team of Tanks in Overwatch 2 is UNSTOPPABLE”

  1. I think it’s a great idea to still have an open q in the game after making every tank way stronger, wow what a great experience, definitely healthy to keep open q in the game when all characters are to be revolving around a 1 tank basis

  2. This just reminds of 2 great Rein moments I had over my weekend. The first was In a quick play game. I charged the other team picked up one of their healers bowling through but suddenly their Orisa haulted getting me apin kill and dieing laughing. The second was in 5v5 no limits. Two people clearly playing together on Junker Queen (they always stuck together). When they both got their ultimates they decide to both go at my team together at the same time standing right next to each other. Their map awareness wad lacking for I was just returning from spawn with a shatter in my pocket from the previous fight which happened to be right behind them. Leave it to say I've had few shatters as satisfying as that double ult denial.

  3. This was enjoyable to watch. A friend and I were duo tanking in open ranked. He played doomfist and I Rein. Sadly he had placed prior to me and by the time I placed he was gold 4 and I was ranked (drumroll) bronze 5. Now I'm solo grinding to rank up so we can play again. Happy that after making bronze 5 I won 7 and made bronze 2.

  4. Open queue lets you relive the early days of overwatch, where people screamed at you to swap dps for tank/support. It's actually the 4 tanks 2 supports queue but you only find that out after you start playing.


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