A Scientist Finds Something on Mars, But No One Believes Him

Top 20 strangest things spotted on Mars. This scientist Found Something on Mars, But No One Believes Him. The captivating allure of Mars, often hailed as the “red planet,” has been a source of wonder for humanity across the ages. From suspended spoon to the unexpected Martian tadpole, our enchantment with this celestial neighbour only deepens as we continue to unravel its mysteries. Join us in this jaw dropping exploration of the Martian landscape, as we uncover twenty of the strangest things spotted on Mars that no one believes.

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Scientist Finds Something on Mars, But No One Believes Him

Scientist Finds Something On Mars, But No One Believes Him

Scientist Finds Something On Mars, But No One Believes Him


18 thoughts on “A Scientist Finds Something on Mars, But No One Believes Him”

  1. Meanwhile, not reported in Canada,… Carbon Tax = Economic STAGFLATION By WEF Design
    Did you know that WEF Great Reset Agenda success, first requires Canada and the USA to "become weaker" domestically, and on the World stage? Did you know PM Trudeau paid the World Ecinomic Forum for the expert opinions he used to justify Carbon Tax creation? 100% true. Coincidence? Not a chance.
    Canadians will be among the last to know there is a World Ecinomic Forum Great Reset Agenda threat to our nations, from within.
    How can a public record fact, like Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland's display of Canada's Coat of Arms over her governing directors chair at the World Ecinomic Forum board of directors table in Geneva since 2019, go completely unchallenged in Parliament, and unreported everywhere in the Canadian Press, till now?
    Can you say… Editorial collusion and deliberate omissions?
    Can you say… Deliberate public deception?
    Can you say… Conservative Party silent consent?
    Can there be any other reasonable explanations for all the public record evidence pointing to an ongoing World Ecinomic Forum information blackout in Canada?
    Pierre Poilievre's roaring silence over all things WEF in Parliament day after day, should be disturbing to watch, for everyone. Who disagrees? Anyone?
    The Canadian public information Game, is rigged.
    If you have not personally investigated the WEF Great Reset 2030 Agenda yet, now, is the time.

  2. Expert’s, Now I know beyond reason why they are a dime a dozen! It’s all in the mind of what we are seeing just dose not cut it anymore! If the eyes of thousands sees a tree 🌲 then it is not all in the mind, instead it’s a fact! You guys need to find experts with common sense and not paid disclaimer’s!! It gets old!!

  3. Yes lighting is always making shapes out rocks on earth all the time .and yes you can make something that looks like something it isn't but you know its not not real .if you believe these people then every thing you see is not what it is ..this man is now talking about the string well looks like string 😱 how can it be from the rover that is Miller away from the blanket it was supposed to come from .iv got to turn him off now 😬😬😬😬👎👎👎👎👎

  4. Mike Bara and others has debunked the fake phenomenon known as Pareidolia. Give it up. If i see a cloud in the sky that looks like a dragon, I won't be fooled into believing it IS a dragon.


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