‘A Quiet Place: Day One’ and ‘Horizon – Chapter One’ | The Big Picture | Ringer Movies

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25 thoughts on “‘A Quiet Place: Day One’ and ‘Horizon – Chapter One’ | The Big Picture | Ringer Movies”

  1. To be honest I thought Horizon was weak. Its impossible to follow and I really didn't care for any of the people in any of the plot lines. It was way too long and boring. 6/10 at best

  2. I went into Horizon very apprehensively but ended up loving it. I thought it was totally engaging from start to finish. But yeah, I do wish it had a bigger budget and was shot on film.

  3. Explain how a quiet place is “right wing nuclear family coded.” Because it features a nuclear family it’s right wing? How? It doesn’t make any statement about the “nuclear family” in comparison to any other sort of family configuration. Should Jon K have looked into the camera and told the audience that all families are valid? Why cede such an innocuous thing to the right wing? (Coincidentally Ben Shapiro also thinks A Quiet Place is right wing because it’s pro life because the couple doesn’t abort their baby. So by extension I suppose any movie where an abortion doesn’t happen is a right wing movie?)

  4. I saw them both on Friday and liked them very much. I'm all in on Horizon 2 because you rarely see westrerns on the big screen and it was beautifully shot. And the last microsecond shot of Day One…WOW.


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