A Predator Among Us: The Chilling Crimes of Edwin Hall || True Crime Documentary

A Predator Among Us: The Chilling Crimes of Edwin Hall || True Crime Documentary


Kelsey Smith, an 18-year-old from Overland Park, Kansas, went shopping for a gift and vanished without a trace. On June 2, 2007, she was abducted from a Target store parking lot. Despite clear surveillance footage and her father’s persistence (a former police officer), the investigation was delayed as Verizon Communications refused to provide her phone’s location data, citing privacy laws.

Kelsey’s body was found four days later, brutally assaulted and murdered by Edwin Roy Hall, a seemingly ordinary family man with a dark past. This case led to the Kelsey Smith Act, which mandates telecommunications companies to provide location data in emergencies. The law has since been adopted in multiple states and has saved many lives. Kelsey’s family continues to raise awareness and support crime victims through a foundation in her name.


20 thoughts on “A Predator Among Us: The Chilling Crimes of Edwin Hall || True Crime Documentary”

  1. Ugh this makes my blood boil! Like what in the actual heck is wrong with people? You could go ahead and fire me from my job, but that would be the day that police would call requesting info regarding a missing girl that could help find her and I would stand firm saying sorry that's against policy!! Get real…Like make it make sense..whi are these people?

  2. She was parked between cars in a normal spot and he ran over as she was getting into her car, put a gun to her and made her move over into her car-he then drove her car back later. This was all in Target and the parking lot. I saw the documentary and the actual abduction video….

  3. Did anyone expect this kid to grow up into a gentle, law abiding citizen? One of those examples where the outcome is nearly certain by age 12… no one to teach right from wrong. Based on his childhood, not a surprise

  4. Wait…so what you do is only title your vids with only one of the stories? That doesn't seem very professional, especially since no one will know what other stories are on each video. I mean, what if the cover story doesn't appeal to someone, but the second or third story in the video DOES?


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