A Message to Humanity… Game Over | Pleiadians

#pleiadians #energy #afterdeath #astralplane #galacticupdate #channeledmessages #channelinghigherguidance #channeling #galacticfederationoflight #galacticfederationofworlds #galacticfederationofplanets #galacticfederation

In this channeled session, the Pleiadians share with us information regarding the following:
1. What message do they have for humanity and why is it game over?
2. Is the human understanding of energy correct and how can humans change their past?
3. Where and to which density does a soul go to in between incarnations? What is the process?

I am also on Patreon, wherein I am putting all my censored channeling sessions and meditations: https://www.patreon.com/SAMTHEILLUSIONIST

You can email me on [email protected] for your soul identity, soul name and past lives.

My website for searchable transcriptions: https://samtheillusionist.com/

Get the paperback (book) version of the sessions: https://a.co/d/fANOD9p

How I started channeling, My story: https://youtu.be/nzqWAAasXlY

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Note: This video is for the following purpose: educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic content.


25 thoughts on “A Message to Humanity… Game Over | Pleiadians”

  1. Your Sole Goes To Heaven And You Look 0ver Your Pass Life (Contract) Experience. You Should 0f Learned This; This And That. Also You Drew Up A Contract With God And He Wanted You To Be "Hockey Player" So You Did Become A "Hockey Player" In Real Life. Then You Graduate To A New Sole And Go Though Picking A New Life. 0r Just Stay In Heaven Forever.

    Also You Can Stop Smoking In A "Heaven's Hospital". Go Back To School Learn How To Be "Brain Surgern" You Can Look For The Families With Last Name "Franklinstien". Where I Live At US We Had A Real Doctor Named Franklinstien Up To 10 Years Ago He Passed Away.

  2. wods have spells and not everyone knows the truth of what actually happens behind scenes of everything.
    What I understand is that all earth timelines will have same outcome at the end of the tunnel as it is only matter of time of cycles……..
    ET / hybrids have their own personal agendas as human slaves are commodities and eugenics are require plane that has source code .

    Earth is 12D pure source code that is why all flesh bound will ever tell truth but deviate to what they know. see it this way, if they had a child God with source code, it is in their best interest that the Chil God NEVER WAKES UP TO BE USED AS PURE ENERGY for freeeeeeeee!

    they are generating another soul loop energy harvest system same as the one we just got out removing pedophelia but hiding it in anothersytem in front of human eyes blind to notice it.

    on my end, I am told as the earth is being cut off of source from the beings it created in circle of life, all innocents are moving onto new planet while betrayal entities ET/hybrids/love&light will face their karma. there will be no more source sent out from the bigger circle where everything is connected with the other all positive side. think of it like yin/yang….where there is a black area with white spot + white area with black spot. I am shown by the universal elementals that the earth is sitting on white spot with dar area (anyimatter-darkness as it leaves life out as it will decide to let go of her life at her Free Will since the way she was made).

    But be my guess in deciding to go with whatever information or love&light group one wants to associate with. i have to stabilize energies as I move myself out from the equation to start preparing to regain my memories to bring me home to do my duty as i wasted my time on other timelines to find out that I have been violating Earth free will as I didn't want her to die…. her I am wasted my last saves to find this timeline is already i ,machine world that I cannot save as it is now linked with machine world (negative timeline as someone called Eve is connected in the machine see her psychically)….

    one needs to discern logically nd with common sense. no ET s going to do work for FREE as hu-man are only working for money and monetizing the info on patreon and ego stealing info from astral selling it out to other bloggers.

    I mean one needs to fact check if one can see the perso who is channelling …to avoid trapps and surprises.

    I mean it is known fact that each human can manifest the life one wants by self discipline as everyone carries dragon magic within their body-flesh suit to bring his /her magic used by ET/hybrids to use people with manifestation abilities by telling a story like religious books had captivated our minds so do ET/hybrid agendas. one should try to connect unite with the Beings /Elohim who created our DNA and gave energies of creation to our soul spiritual DNA also. we all feed off those Elohim/creator Beings that funnel us through spiritual energies evolutionary upgrades and upgrades of DNA. I know that since I had a communication directly with white cosmic light being but these ET/hybrids are not able to tap-dial into my fields but those other cosmic lightworker Beings (dark + light) are able to communicate like human in my astral do (I call those X-file-military black-op kids soldiers).

    be very careful who u follow as u will become a slave. the hole Earth never had slaves. I died and I understood it went into dark as I used to control dark energies as a gatekeeper but somehow another person was involved took over darkness and everything fell one after another. So far that is what I received…. although I NEVER ASKED FOR BEING IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS.

  3. Dearest Sam thank you to our Plelaiden family, for helping our humanity’s understanding how our earths energy source , resonates our cells to maintain replication as our life force. Sending you Sam,lots of love life energy for sharing your gift with our Humanity. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈβ­οΈβš‘οΈ


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