A long talk about Bankruptcy

This is the Largest UNAPPROVED / UNSPONSORED / UNCONTROLLED Magic The Gathering Channel in the world filled with Greed Monsters, Evil Investors, and ….3.696969% Women

Selling a Collection? [email protected]

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Rudy’s Magic Store
10950-60 San Jose Blvd.
# 139
Jacksonville, FL 32223


21 thoughts on “A long talk about Bankruptcy”

  1. Oh believe me Rudy, I know what Alundra is. Wow, what a treasure trove. Rudy, if you feel like diversifying your videos, please do give a tour of your video game collection. I still wanna know if the Rule of Rose you showed many times in the background is factory sealed.

  2. When rudy says "the game piece model" is the problem just note that hes completely ignoring the fact that wotc has moved from a rotation model (with standard being dog shit) to power creep. so old magic cards are all a weak investment because they are being crept out of relevance. A year ago there werent enough reprints, now suddenly a ton of cards that havent been reprinted have collapsed. Thats not gamepiece product design doing that.

  3. I've been watching this guy on and off for a while now. Recently, I came to the conclusion that this whole thing is a massive grift. This guy has managed to convince a bunch of gullible nerds that it's a better idea to invest their savings in boxes of cardboard junk instead of just buying an index fund. Just stop for a moment and think of all the downsides of investing in cardboard.

    You have to store it, which takes up significant space. It could get damaged or stolen. A flood could take your "investment" to zero and insurance probably won't cover 10k of cardboard. Unlike more traditional forms of investment, you constantly have to think about it. Who wants to worry about their cardboard when you travel instead of actually enjoying your vacation? Interest in the game could drop and no one will want your 100 boxes of the same set from 5 years ago.

    Then, even if it does appreciate, which is a huge if post 2020/21, you have to deal with selling it. Think of liquidity. Who wants 100 boxes of the same set? There could be no liquidity, and there are tons of other gullible nerds in the same position who you have to compete with when selling. Don't forget selling fees, the risk of fraud, and the massive headache plus waste of time that is shipping. You have to actually be as dumb as a box of rocks to think any of this is a good idea.

    Finally, to put the cherry on the turd sundae that this whole thing is, you see these nerds convince themselves that it's all ok because somehow having massive piles of cardboard junk in their closets is "enjoying the hobby". The people who support this guy are equivalent to victims of crypto scams in my eyes. The self delusion and endless justifications of their decision to "invest" included. It's all so absurd, sad and yet somehow sort of funny at the same time 🤣

  4. The SPY has outperformed MTG boxes in the last 5 years.
    And as you know Cash is king with that high interest rate.
    So MTG isn't very appealing with that terrible management.
    Though I love cardboard over cash and things aren't as bad as 2022 sentiment is still negative.
    You are diversified as everyone should be, but people with limited funds can't diversified properly.


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