A Kingdom Reunited – Third Age Total War: Divide & Conquer v5 – Chapter 6

Welcome to a brand new campaign in Third Age Total War Divide and Conquer! We will be playing as the Rangers of the North and attempt to restore the kingdom of Arnor, and later reunite with the kingdom of Gondor.

Campaign Information:
Faction: Rangers of the North / Arnor / Reunited Kingdom
Difficulty: Very Hard / Very Hard
Campaign Length: Long

Mods used:
Divide and Conquer V5 – https://discord.gg/FyuNJ8N


3 thoughts on “A Kingdom Reunited – Third Age Total War: Divide & Conquer v5 – Chapter 6”

  1. Hey man good idea to build recruitment in Fornost, you should also build recruitment in Celoniach and Metraith, since you will be fighting the Gobbos and additional recruitment will help in case Dunland breaks through. To do this you will also need a meeting hall in Metraith and you might want one in Celoniach


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