A Kingdom Reunited – Third Age Total War: Divide & Conquer v5 – Chapter 2

Welcome to a brand new campaign in Third Age Total War Divide and Conquer! We will be playing as the Rangers of the North and attempt to restore the kingdom of Arnor, and later reunite with the kingdom of Gondor.

Campaign Information:
Faction: Rangers of the North / Arnor / Reunited Kingdom
Difficulty: Very Hard / Very Hard
Campaign Length: Long

Mods used:
Divide and Conquer V5 – https://discord.gg/FyuNJ8N


6 thoughts on “A Kingdom Reunited – Third Age Total War: Divide & Conquer v5 – Chapter 2”

  1. Tips 1, Evil pumps out armies. Roads are what you need, armies from your heartlands will be far away plus the money. Get all the spies you can . To spot all those armies. Get all the sell swords you can ,still good turn 50. Any cav buy mercs the enemy will . You need bigger armies . Baby sit your allies or they will get steamrolled. Bree seems ok though. Angmar Will try to France 1940 you.

  2. My peeve retinues .I reckon if you min/maxed you could get 5/10% Gov/Gen bonus .I'd have a general swapping retinues. Bonus ball they will get higher units faster r than you. Mercs You can revive them in castles in the area were they were recruited

  3. 'And now at last it comes. You will give me the Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!'

    She lifted up her hand and from the ring that she wore there issued a great light that illuminated her alone and left all else dark. She stood before Frodo seeming now tall beyond measurement, and beautiful beyond enduring, terrible and worshipful. Then she let her hand fall, and the light faded, and suddenly she laughed again, and lo! she was shrunken: a slender elf-woman, clad in simple white, whose gentle voice was soft and sad.

    'I pass the test,' she said. 'I will diminish, and go into the West and remain Galadriel.'

    They stood for a long while in silence. At length the Lady spoke again. 'Let us return!' she said. 'In the morning you must depart for now we have chosen, and the tides of fate are flowing.'

  4. Great job this episode, as I predicted Dunland is coming for you, good job preparing for that though. I recommend either cleaning Cardolan after Tharbad or getting rid of the Goblins. Keep in mind that Angmar comes typically around turn 20 so your really need to get things prepared by then, something I suggest is the armouries in Deadmans dyke, Ost Sul and Tharbad the building gives you 2 units when your settlement is attacked (these will spawn right before the battle so don't worry if you don't get them when someone sieges you) basically it will decrease your income by 100 but it will really bolster your garrisons when you are attacked. You don't need to push Angmar when they attack you, I advise at first to stay at Deadmans dyke and Ost Sul if they take the settlements north of Fennas Druenan you should push and take it but those should be the boundaries against Angmar while you improve a bit further south. 

    If you go for the Goblins you should know that you will open a new frontline with Dunland, you should try and get some spies to see but it would be good to take Bruinost first and then go for Zagh Kala, then push to take Annon-en-Arod (this is so you don't have to deal with the Goblins and Dunland in the same area at the same time because your defensive settlements are not as good as Tharbad so you want to funnel them that way). Following that do Khazad Dum West and Ost-in-edhil preferably in the same turn to avoid dealing with doom stacks when you have taken these two settlements 1 or 2 doomstacks will spawn, these doomstacsk should not attack you because the ai attacks settlements they border so they should just march north. When this is down you will border Dunland at 2 settlements, Ost-in-Edhil and Khazad Dum west, I advise selling Khazad Dum west to the Dwarves of Khazad Dum because they will pay 80 000 gold for it. Then you need to gather your armies there and go for the Dunland capital of Brig, it makes pretty decent monet but its a city so beware of towers from there I think you should take Dun Larch since it will be pretty isolated. you should hold here. Enedwaith will be a big factor in anything in this region so if you get an alliance with them great if not you might want to secure a border with them.

    I you go for Cardolan first you will want to speed up because you will be in competition with Enedwaith for rebel settlements, following Cardolan you probably want to deal with the goblins anyways but the extra regions will help fund the war and also supply a few more troops.

    Once the Goblins are dealt with you will need to go for Angmar since they will be a threat
    P.S: if you end up with Cameth Brin before the Goblins are taken care of in Khazad Dum west you will probably need to revise your strategy


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