A Hunter's Cry Adventure 6 Guide | Sea of Thieves

The sinister Dark Brethren still have Merrick held as their prisoner in the Sea of the Damned. However, Merrick can only stay tightlipped for so long before the Dark Brethren force him to reveal the vital information they seek.

But fear not, a rescue is underway! The Pirate Lord has joined forces with Belle to take on the Dark Brethren. Using the Veil of the Ancients, the Pirate Lord can send any fearless pirate to the Sea of the Damned to rescue Merrick!

00:00 – Intro
00:56 – How to complete the Adventure
02:05 – Speak with Larinna
03:05 – Travel to the Sea of the Damned
05:45 – Light first beacon
07:15 – Light second beacon
08:30 – Light five braziers and raise capstan
11:00 – Light third beacon
11:50 – Light fourth beacon
12:30 – Light fifth beacon
13:00 – Raise capstan and save Merrick
13:44 – Deliver letter to Serik

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20 thoughts on “A Hunter's Cry Adventure 6 Guide | Sea of Thieves”

  1. i spent all my time trying to figure out what to do all while evading other crews. in the end i didnt even complete it. this adventure was awful, however i'm willing to try again after seeing your guide, thanks!

  2. Just got done defending my 9 yr lil brother from a brig on his first day when we were trying to di the adventure. Some trash crew of 3 trying to grief and getting 1v3d by me. Why. What was the point. This is terrible, they need to fix the ability for these griefers to just role up and kill for absolutely no reason

  3. didnt know what to do so i started following this tutorial and right before the last beavon i got a message that the time has run out and i failed the mission, appearently it took me too long to try figuring out what to do

  4. I first tried this on release day and got totally destroyed by other players , which was frustrating as aren’t we supposed to be doing this rescue together? Tried again tonight and I was the only pirate in the area so had much more fun. Whilst I was half way up the tavern I noticed one of the lighthouse beams moving and luckily that player lit the beacons for my to advance up which saved me having to jump in and swim to the lighthouses 😁 suppose it’s luck of the draw who you get in your game – thanks for the easy and helpful guide too 👍


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