"A huge gamble!" | HAMMERS BOARD BIG CALL | West Ham owners make decision on Moyes future

Mark & Riley discuss the future of David Moyes and the call made by the board following loss to Brentford

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41 thoughts on “"A huge gamble!" | HAMMERS BOARD BIG CALL | West Ham owners make decision on Moyes future”

  1. Remarkable that Riley sees the utter debacle of every game and yet advocates we stick with a man that’s overseen these horrendous performances and results. Please make it make sense Riley

  2. I make it 8 home league wins – Norwich Watford Wolves Villa Everton – Wolves Fulham Bournemouth.

    Plus 3 away league wins at Palace Norwich Villa

    Hardly 5.

    Good point careful what you wish for. That said the teams we have beat are lower table sides

  3. u r deluded moyse has had enough time
    6 weeks off for the world
    considering how shit our form Haa been . they should of been on the train pitch all day everyday working on new tactics .
    instead of 11 behind the ball all day

  4. Theres no positives in moyes staying, by the time the board sack him it will be too late for anyone to save us from the drop, we are the worst team in the league without a doubt!

  5. This is on the Board now,Moyes won’t walk,so they’ll need to sack him and pay him off please.Again Mark just my thought the Board have yet to do anything finding a new manager?they believe he will turn this around,not sure on what evidence?They said 3 games to save his job and needs 5 points from them?well 2 down and 0 pts,so unless the Prem league say we will double the points if you beat Leeds?he won’t reach target of 5pts ,gutless threat from Sullivan with no action.Another YouTube channel think due to Sullivan and Golds age that they have lost courage of their convictions?Kretinsky is clearly not involved on any day to day running of the club,so we are just an investment to him?
    Yes Riley he has dropped Soucek,he should have dropped Fabianski too,Why have a Goalie on the bench costing us £140k a week,highest paid bench warmer in Europe currently

  6. We have no pace in the team. Everyone keeps saying that Scamacca is not getting a service. He is lazy and doesn’t try and get in good positions. I watched him all second half and he was appalling. Paraqueta played slightly better but not very effective. I didn’t see anything to lift the spirits, our build up was so slow, Brentford had time to get ten players behind the ball. We just kept passing the ball across the pitch. Absolutely painful to watch. What ever Riley is on I will have the same.

  7. I think Moyes has to go now. As well as new tactics and fresh ideas, we also need to get some team spirit in the club. At current, we have 11 individuals on the pitch and could be why top players are misplacing passes and not making the right runs.

    A new manager coming in needs to really make a team out of these players and get the chemistry going.

  8. I have a feeling that Sean Dyche is like Eddie Howe – give him quality players and he’ll produce a quality team. At the very least he’d sort out who is up for the fight in no time.

  9. We're heading towards the trap door direct to the Championship..
    How anyone cannot see this, is looking at Moyes through rose tinted spectacles..
    It'll be too late after the Leeds game, another 4 months of this form.
    We'll be playing in a half empty stadium !
    Nobody wants that surely?
    Do it now !

  10. Looking at Moyes on the touch line – it’s patently obvious he hasn’t a clue what to do, and when he does something to change it’s always far too late in the game to have any effect – perhaps the board have a plan to rebuild the club from the championship

  11. Fornals no10 with Paq and Dec behind gives us creative and solid base. Dec must sit a little more as he does for England. If he silks play downes there, dec hasn’t signed a new deal so we need to move on with the assumption he’s leaving

  12. There’s a massive difference between coming in as the new guy in this situation and being the architect of it in relation to turning the second half of the season round

  13. “Better the devil you know”. It’s 39 points in 12 months ffs.

    “Parker would be good”. Wow 🤦🏼‍♂️. Parker is absolutely terrible.
    Lads you’ve had a stinker with ya comments here haha 😂

  14. Gold , Sullivan and Brady need to go as well as D Moyes , I like K Brady and I think she's a very savvy business woman but it's probably time for a clean sweep , and as for most of the playing staff 🤣

  15. I can remember at the beginning of the season Brenda Rogers ass was on the line however, he has pulled it around so let's give Moyes until the end of January to try and do the same, that's the least he's owed for the great turnaround of West Ham.


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