A Flight Officer from a Place Called Texas | Free Military Science Fiction Audiobook

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*Human civilization faces enemies alien and domestic*

War is upon the Core Alliance.

After disastrous attacks on Skywatch formations at Prairie Grove and El Rey, the battleship _Constitution_ has drawn a line in the sand at Rho Theta. Admiral Buford Tucker knows Sarn, Yersian or Kraken forces might strike along any of five fronts from Dante’s Twins to Proxima.

As outnumbered and outgunned Core starships prepare for the worst, Commander Jayce Hunter is alerted to a life reading on Raleo Two with what appears to be an Ithis artifact. She suspects it may be the agent in league with Colonel Atwell known only as ‘The Denominator.’ With no time to spare, the commander hastily assembles her recon team and sets a course for the obelisk.

Meanwhile, with Admiral Hafnetz still recovering from her injuries and Skywatch still tallying the casualties from the attack on Strike Fleet Achilles, Admiral Benjamin Powers finds himself rapidly losing control of the situation at headquarters. With both the Core Council and the anti-alarmist Skywatch factions threatening to interfere with the fleet buildup, Powers is forced to take action to protect his officers and ships while he conceals Yili Curtiss’ and Zony Tixia’s game-changing technology advances in the Atlantis Sector.

Now, with the battleship _Argent_ forced to remain in spacedock and her captain ordered planetside to recover from deadly engagements at Omicron and El Rey, the admiral faces a brutal choice.

If he sends his youngest captain and his newest battleship back into action too soon, the Second Praetorian Interstellar War will end in disaster before Skywatch fires a single shot.

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_The Praetorian Imperative_
Shane Lochlann Black
Copyright 2019

Other Science Fiction Titles by Shane Lochlann Black:
_Starships at War Fleet Captain’s Collection_ https://starships.link/fleetcaptain
_Starship Expeditionary Fleet Collection_ https://starships.link/expeditionary
_Strike Battleship Argent_ https://starships.link/argent
_Strike Battleship Engineers_ https://starships.link/engineers
_Strike Battleship Marines_ https://starships.link/marines
_Fleet Commander Recon_ https://starships.link/recon
_Jacks Full of Aces_ https://starships.link/jacks
_Battle Force_ https://starships.link/battleforce
_For the Honor of the Captain_ https://starships.link/honor
_The Guns of the Argent_ https://starships.link/guns
_Operation: Wolfsbane_ https://starships.link/wolfsbane
_Alert Force_ https://starships.link/alertforce
_The Praetorian Imperative_ https://starships.link/praetorian
_Bloodwing_ https://starships.link/bloodwing
_Let None Return Alive_ https://starships.link/return
_Vendetta_ https://starships.link/vendetta

Also by Shane Lochlann Black:
_Dawnsong: The Last Skyblade_ https://lochlann.black/dawnsong
_Jessica Halloran and the Ajan Warriors #1_ https://lochlann.black/ajanone
_The Incredible Untold Story of Sailor Moon_ https://lochlann.black/sailormoon
_Devils Demons and Dead Men_ https://lochlann.black/devils
_Trolls Traps and Treachery_ https://lochlann.black/trolls
_Secret of the Witchwand_ https://lochlann.black/witchwand

The Starships Universe books will appeal to fans of Alan Dean Foster, Isaac Asimov, Harlan Ellison, H.G. Wells, Larry Niven, David Weber, Ray Bradbury, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jerry Pournelle, John Scalzi, Robert A. Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke and William Gibson.


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