A Classicist Farmer: The Life and Times of Victor Davis Hanson | Uncommon Knowledge

Recorded on May 11, 2023.

Over the years, Hoover senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson has graced Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson many times, often referring to his family home and farm outside of Selma, in California’s Central Valley. So for this interview, we decided to go to Selma and see where Hanson grew up and still lives and where several generations of his familyβ€”going back to the mid-19th centuryβ€”have lived and worked the land. In part one of this two-part interview, we cover Hanson’s rich and fascinating family history and the sweeping changes he’s lived through in terms of both the business of farming and its social life. In part two (coming in two weeks), we’ll cover the political scene, including the upcoming presidential election.

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00:00 Family history: California through the 20th century
14:11 The women in my family
16:24 Childhood and formative years
22:39 Challenges of having a degree in Classics
26:30 Warfare Agriculture: How his agrarian background informed his work on Greek warfare
32:32 Why has there been a sharp decline in people in agriculture?
38:17 The Case for Trump
43:36 Selma’s decline: Inevitable or a result of bad policies?
47:40 Mexifornia: The challenges of illegal immigration?
56:53 The Land Was Everything: The importance of autonomy in today’s world


26 thoughts on “A Classicist Farmer: The Life and Times of Victor Davis Hanson | Uncommon Knowledge”

  1. A great portrait of the greatest generation that ever lived. It brings me to tears and makes me thankful to God for the good country we've had and sad that we are losing it before our very eyes.

  2. Every time I listen to an interview with VDH or one of his lectures i feel the thirst for knowledge that i wished for but never felt in my school age years. Victor is so insightful on so many subjects it blows my mind. He is the very definition of the difference between smarts and wisdom. The wisest man in America, in my opinion. May god protect him and extend his life so he may continue to enlighten us all.

  3. Born in San Francisco, abandoned by my parents at age 7, became a rebel hippie in my teenage years, moved to South America and made and distributed hallucinogenics in the upper Amazon, almost died of hepatitis, became a Christian, taught myself to read at 19, searched church history and became an Antiochian Orthodox Christian, bought an Amish farm in Ohio where I raised my children and see myself as a conservative hippie internationalist philosopher priest in the garden uniting heaven and Earth. Now at age 71 I'm thinking of getting a high school diploma.
    One of my dreams is that I could meet and talk with V. D. H.

  4. Farming is hard farming will always be hard but if you combine old ways with new ways I know for a fact because I've done it you can bring in $200,000 off of less than 4 acres. Look up Joel salatin. He has a book called 'you can farm" he and many others are inspiring people to get back on the farm, it's the normal Christian Life.

  5. I was born in communist Cuba, lived there 27 years of my life! I have been in America now longer – I love the American principle; I hurts very deeply to see what is happening to my adoptive country πŸ™

  6. Ive stayed in Fresno in the 80s. It was so hot i wasnt sure i would survive. In my desire for cooler environment i visited an underground home. It was amazing to me that one could live underground but they did and well. The home had everything that was needed and required for survival. And it was cooler in temperature! It was a pleasant experience to visit Fresno.

  7. I love this man VDH. He says the whole truth from his heart. He knows the history. He isnt on any one side. That gives him all the license he needs. Thank you for espousing the real truth. Bravo!

  8. I started working for a friend in my late 50s driving a truck with a produce company, no such thing as certified, first training my bosses son had use the forklift to load a van from the dock putting the skiid in the side door. After pulling that off everything else was simple. A year later l saw a driver ask my bosses son to load his van with the forklift and he said we don't do that here. So l got forklift training as a prank

  9. The carbon threat has been debunked continuously for the past few decades, we have an atmosphere of .04%, at .02 % all life on the planet would cease to exist. So welfare academics for the dumb children of the well off is not being educated

  10. Too many spoiled brats that wanna rule the world
    …maybe they should call off the competition, build a balloon float off to see the world and let someone else worry about who's going to rule the world…

  11. My gosh! I've been a VDH fan for quite a while now. I always enjoy his videos, but this is absolutely fantastic. What a life. I'm sure the first Victor looks down every so often with great pride!



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