A Chinese rocket will soon freefall back to Earth | NewsNation Tonight

Ken Kremer, founder and managing editor of Space UpClose, says China is the only major space power that lets its rockets freefall.

#china #space

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24 thoughts on “A Chinese rocket will soon freefall back to Earth | NewsNation Tonight”

  1. i hope it will hit us right on pentagon building,,to be clear this kind of shit was naver been popular before but since digtator run us all this became popular,,US think they a desendent of a GOD,because of that they think all the other was mere a pet to them,,,look at the face that dude was almost burst to laugh clearly was overhype only to make other look bad what a wonderful way of life ,,keep doing that because all the leader and people in this earth was stupid and has no school,the more they see this the more they like the US ,,thanks for showing you true face own you self action

  2. 除了马斯克的第一级火箭是靠火箭动力回地面的,世界上还有第二个火箭不是自由落体会地球的吗? 有的话告诉我…

  3. Amateur hour China. China's booster cums back down anywhere… SpaceX lands theirs on the launch pad ON FRICKEN chopsticks! Maybe Elon should teach China how to use chopsticks… 😎👌

  4. It is ridiculous to tell the public about those kinds of figures. They are ignorant of real life scenarios.If you go to the ocean and you put yourself into the water your odds of being bit by a shark are pretty damn good☺


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