A Book about a Giant Planet Approaching Earth (transcript in description)

TRANSCRIPT: What would happen if a new planet were discovered lurking in space, a planet so large it would crush most planets in the solar system, and it was on a collision course with Earth? For J.R. Brienza, the answer is obvious. Anyone who could make money off the discovery would try to do so and in the process panic society with dire predictions of doom.

Based partly on speculative science and a humorous take on sensationalism, The Belt of Orion: Nibiru Rising by J.R. Brienza takes on the possibility of what astronomers refer to as Planet X existence.

In the story, the world is rocked by the news of Planet X’s discovery. Panic sets in, and those who decide to profit off the chaos take to the airwaves in hour after hour of round table discussions on what Planet X might mean for humanity.

The Belt of Orion: Nibiru Rising is Book 1 of 2 and examines the fictional chaos of a world on the brink of either destruction or a new discovery destined to change what people believe about the universe.

The book’s available on Amazon.com via the link in the description and also at Laptiast.com on the Support an Author page.


The Belt of Orion: Nibiru Rising by J.R. Brienza is available on Amazon.com via the link: https://www.amazon.com/Belt-Orion-Nibiru-Rising-ebook/dp/B06Y2KF7FR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2XM1WDXOCTW0H&keywords=j.r.+brienza+belt+of+orion+nibiru+rising&qid=1692488228&s=audible&sprefix=j.r.+brienza+belt+of+orion+nibru+rising%2Caudible%2C154&sr=1-1


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