I Spent A Day In A Poor, Dangerous Missouri Town | Midwest Road Trip Day 17

We give all this money overseas, and our own cities look like this??

Missouri is full of bad places.

If you measure crime, poverty, obesity, the quality of schools and jobless rates, there are a lot of cities and towns in Missouri that would be consideredā€¦.bad. Thatā€™s just how it is. We all know what good and bad is.

Some say Missouri is where the worst of the south and the worst of the north meet. People call it Misery. And they live here.

Because of all of that, Missouri has a bad reputation among Americans.

I only spent a few days here on this trip, and I didnā€™t even come close to seeing the many places in this state that are described with such disdain. But what I saw told me a lot. It might have told me everything I needed to know about Missouri.

And now Iā€™m gonna tell you. This is St. Joseph.

#missouri #kansascity

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23 thoughts on “I Spent A Day In A Poor, Dangerous Missouri Town | Midwest Road Trip Day 17”

  1. The business in st Joe moved up to the main belt highway closer to the interstate. I don't think st Joe can be judged off that area its just building people quit using and the moved closer to i29

  2. I happen to LOVE Missouri and adore going there any chance I get! Most people are AMAZING! It saddens me that some of its residents don't know how special their State really is. EVERY State has old, wornout, and forgotten downtowns, in small communities. I will ALWAYS defend Missouri, because part of my heart remains there since attending College in a tiny town in the 70's.

  3. I'm from a very small town in SE Missouri and very proud of it. I am a Missourian my whole life! I'm very offended by this. Who are you to judge us all. Go back to your Big City Jackass!

  4. Lol talk bad about Missouri.. We don't want everyone buying up our land and blocking off river accesses that were once swimming holes cause money and greed is what it's about. Our land is being bought up by timber typhoons and oil typhoons from other countries.. they won't invest in the small towns … Honestly I love Missouri and I'm proud of it.

  5. When the SHTF, ppl started moving to MO in DROVES. In small town and rural MO. Not the cities. FCOL. We were receiving too many liberals, so I'd guess this video helps us out that the dumb ones who are easily swayed by an outsiders drive by opinion won't come settle here. We will welcome those who aren't coming to try and make us like California. They can stop in Colorado. šŸ¤£

  6. You ended up picking the worst spots in St Joe there's a lot of St Joe that's really really nice even in the South end you ended up off of Messaine Street basically a dead part of town

  7. I live in Springfield right now. The downtown area is pretty cool. I live near lake Springfield and itā€™s really nice! But in generalā€¦most of Springfield is booty. Iā€™ve worked on the northwest side, literally half of the people that came in were on everything but skates. Iā€™m not a big fan of Missouri in general. I used to live in Northwest Arkansas(Fayetteville), and that area is way better than southern MO.

  8. This video is a little bias. While I appreciate the factual aspects. How do you think the good people that live there will feel to have some outsider trashing their town? Iā€™m not from Missouri but I have lived here for some years and although it is not the most diverse, or thriving state Iā€™ve ever seen, for the most part, the people here are kind, caring , good people. I live in one of the ā€œworstā€ cities (Springfield) and itā€™s nothing compared to Atlanta (where I lived most of my life). I feel safer here than I have felt in a lot of places I have travelled or lived. Heck, I go home to my birthplace (Columbia,SC) and I recognize how rude everyone is compared to Missourians šŸ˜‚. Anyway, this video just makes me feel bad for the cities here that are trying so hard to ride the wave of growth in todays economy, and social constructs. Springfield is actually growing, and so are the areas/cities around it.

  9. Before you start trashing people's hometowns, you should start with a stronger grasp of the English language. When you first arrive somewhere, you have an IMPRESSION. When you don't know anything outside your pre-formed opinions, it is an ASSUMPTION.
    You chose a town that is on the outskirts of LITERALLY one of THE WORST CITIES in the NATION. Why not shoot up to KC and do a little video about all the murder and rape that occurs there. Now, choose ANY small town and do one about their murder and crime rate. Yea… yea… yea… "Of course its going to higher, there's more people." No! Its because the majority of the residents aren't PsOS! You're garbage and I'm not sure how anyone sat through your video or ANY of your others.


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