"QUEUE & A" Server Problems w/ Nikita Interview & More // Escape from Tarkov News

Acouple days ago Nikita met with the Tarkov Girls which is a Russian speaking group of girls who you guessed it play a lot of Escape from Tarkov. We also have this addition of a waiting queue in the launcher recently. BSG have made several statements telling us it’s temporary to help the load on the servers. It’s a complex problem that they say just buying more servers will not solve. They also said it’s not due to twitch drops because there was way more activity on wipe day then there is now and we didn’t see the same problems. When servers overload and crash very bad things can happen such as rollbacks and loss of data and guess what that lost data consists of… our characters. Now, no I don’t think the crash would delete our characters I’m sure there’s redundancies for that but I know it could delete our progress and even our gear to a certain point and at the very least our progress in a current raid during the crash. So we either deal with the server queue and wait to play or deal with data loss and more crashes. I’ll take waiting until they solve the problem which by the way it is the holidays now for them in Russia and they’re working through it to fix this. So no it’s not BS and yes they’re trying their best to fix it, we just need to give it time. The problem of waiting is much better then what could happen if we weren’t, trust me.
Statement From Nikita: https://bit.ly/3mPLyfa
Tarkov Girls VoD (Russian): https://www.twitch.tv/shina4/v/1248015169?sr=a&t=2757s
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Although I do sometimes get a hand from BSG and occasionally get to talk to Nikita or other members of the team, I do not work for BSG. I also work entirely off public information and past experiences of working in game dev myself, as well as following this game closely for several years. Unless I state very clearly otherwise, the information you’re about to hear should be taken as speculation. You can either get no information or speculation, that’s all we have to go off of these days unfortunately which is why it’s easier to just say Thursday whenever anyone asks for dates. If you want hard facts and dates you won’t get them, period.


46 thoughts on “"QUEUE & A" Server Problems w/ Nikita Interview & More // Escape from Tarkov News”

  1. Getting full auto laser beamed from 200 meters by a rogue you didn't notice is rediculous, that's what I'd like them to change. They were deadlier than Shturman last time I attacked them.

  2. I disagree with the flea being barter only, would kind of render it a little bit pointless imo but I'm glad someone finally covered the ongoing server issues because no other youtubers seem to be talking about it. The Tarkov discord is also a cesspit of ignorance right now so if you value your brain cells, stay clear!

  3. Nikita: puts money, trade items, and crafting using multiple items in game

    Also Nikita: "Stop buying things when you need them!"

    It's simple. No currency, only barter trading, bam! The game Nikita wants. He'll lose 99% of the player base, including all of these "hardcore" whiners that constantly convince him the game is too easy right now, that you could still 5 minute hatchet run for millions in every map, etc. They'll ditch as soon as they have an inventory full of loot and no ammo because you can't sell or buy anything and you can't fire empty weapons.

    I get it and I agree with the changes to embargo tier 5 & 6 armors, high tier ammo bans, etc. But his words increasingly sound like he plans to completely delete trading through anyone but the Traders, and even that would likely be nerfed harder if his words matched his actions. His dream is how hardcore players already choose to handicap themselves and it's in the game already… if you choose to play that way. If he wants that as base game, have fun. I'm not a hardcore player, I'll try it, but I'm pretty sure I'm not in the minority when I say I would likely not stick around for that.

  4. I wouldn't care about a que so much if I wasn't still crashing all the time. Just getting too frustrating. I'm thinking it will be a while before I'm able to enjoyably play this game again.

  5. Nikita, once more, says that he doesn't want a meta while having added 2 insta kill impact nades this wipe. He 100% added the meta grenade while saying he doesn't wanta meta, does he even know what meta means?

  6. "Wants the game to be drawn out with RPGs elements" yet leveling those skills literally takes way too long if you dont have the upgrade built for them like the library and the air filtering unit. Let me just go into 150000 raids and pack mags in each of them real quick to level up my mag packing skill

  7. These devs are the biggest clowns, "it's not twitch drops" oh yeah right, it's definitly not the fact that there's 100K+ players trying to play because of said twitch drops, also the fact that they had to use their own servers and launcher, of course, can't use normal shit like everyone.

  8. Flea barter only? It doesn't work. Most of current player to player barters are insanely unprofitable. Barter only means basically no flea at all. If that's what he wants it's fine but the game will need a lot of rework, a hell of a lot.

  9. I just find the queue annoying when you finally get in and your game freezes and the only way to fix is to restart your game and wait in queue again. Hopefully they can fix soon

  10. 6:43 – Well, if they want to do that, they need to get rid of wipes first. If somebody wants to speedrun it, that somebody WILL speedrun it. They can slow down their progress a little bit, but they slow down the casual player's progress a lot. Or even make it impossible for them. And my progress too… I never want to "speedrun" this game, I take breaks, play in my own pace to avoid burning out quick.

  11. Idk how relevant this question really is at the moment but have they said anything about potentially making it to where scavs have inertia too? Seems odd they’d add inertia for PMCS but scavs have none whatsoever whether it’s AI or a player scav unless it’s some type of bug

  12. While the queue can be a pain, I agree, that it's better than to lose your stuff. However, just now, after finishing a PMC raid, I got an error message, and all the loot I found was gone.
    It wasn't that great value, but I risked annoying my boss for nothing 😉

  13. I just went to Lighthouse as a Scav with a PP-91 Kedr managed do drop 1 Rogue picked his M4 and kill another one before getting killed by the 3dr and I'm not really good at this game. The first Rogue was plain stupid shot me once and looked away after that. Defo needs some tweaking.

  14. Other than the fact this game has been in beta for how long now…
    It's stupid ongoing shit like this is why I gave up on this crap years ago.
    You guys with bigger servers have nothing to worry about by comparison to us smaller servers from Australia/Asia.
    A vast majority of us had paid for the top package ($160 aud) for a game that's still not out yet 5 years into beta.
    Just release the fkn thing already or give us our fkn money back.
    A lot of countries that have fair trade rules wouldn't allow this sort of bullshit to happen.
    I understand you're not a developer but at what point do we say enough is enough.
    You wouldn't excuse this for a AAA title so why should it be any different for anyone else.
    This game is a joke. The devs are a joke and I for would love my money back based on the fact the game is not out in its entirety and I was well and truly over it 6 weeks into my first wipe 3 years ago.

  15. I didn't lose any gear, but I did get kicked out after I completed a raid (and was waiting for the After-Action Report). I apparently had it all fortunately, but it was a bit of a issue for a few minutes after getting in this morning

  16. Imagine if your game crash in raid now 😀 Friend waited over hour togame turn on and when it turn on it crashed and back to the queue… But dang, dont wanna whine but these drops are trash, i can ger better gear/trash in one scavraid than watching 12h that shit

  17. I'll never understand people want to DDoS game servers, like I know people do it on league quite often to get the advantage but them DDoS'ing when the server is down just seems stupid.


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