9 Years of Shadows – 6 – caprice

the hugging mechanic is really good but man I feel like it brings out some of the worst in me, you know?



9 thoughts on “9 Years of Shadows – 6 – caprice”

  1. Death count: 4 (2 today)
    (0:52) Light upgrade #3 get!
    (1:38) Grace of Zeus upgrade #1 get!
    (1:59) Oh, so you can upgrade each element only once each.
    (5:59) Poke. Gotta not confuse your controls…
    (6:11) Poke. Totally worth it, since you can just hug to recover.
    (7:17) Bestiary updated, and I don't think you noticed. Are we at the point now where you're usually just not gonna bother with the bestiary anymore?
    (8:21) Hey there, Ulf. How's it going?
    (8:41) Alright, it's boss time, vs. Ulf!
    (10:02) Victory! Had some close calls there.
    (12:47) This would be a good time to just fire off a shot and then hug to get a good refill of your light bar.
    (12:55) Oh, no! Argh… First death today, and that's a significant chunk of lost progress, including the boss fight with Ulf, since there were no conveniently close save points…
    (13:10) Darn you, Mushashi boss in SMBX! I bet that's what misled you there, because the backdash during the Mushashi fight did give you invincibility frames.
    (13:27) Oh, come on, game. The "hug" bar was basically full there. I bet one more frame and you would've finished the hug in time.
    (13:37) Yeah, it seems weird that there's no save point decently close to this boss, which is usually standard fare for almost all bosses in Metroidvanias.
    (18:03) Ulf is beaten again.
    (19:54) Good idea.

  2. "We can get both of these!" he said, not catching that Vitality is still 5 red and he only has 3.
    8:11 Yo, dawg; you hear I liek skulls? Well, I wear skulls on my skulls so I can skull when I skull!
    8:39 Wrong game, pal. You want the guy who looks like The Man in the Iron Mask cosplaying as the Witch-King from Lord of the Rings.

  3. You had a WAY easier time with Ulf than I did. It took me four or five tries, which isn't itself a bad thing. The major issue, however, comes with the fact there's not a save anywhere near that fight so it takes a good 2-3 minutes to get back for another attempt. Left me fairly frustrated to the point where when I died to the next boss several times in a row (some of which felt really cheap due to the outer 2/3rds or so of the arena being coasted in spikes which the background elements of the boss sometimes obscures, thus resulting in you landing in spikes you can't even see) I ended up quitting out of frustration. I really want to like the game but some of its design is just not good. It's got good graphics, a fairly interesting story and theme, and good gameplay but the level design and boss design is a bit lackluster, bordering on frustrating.

    Edit: Looks like I spoke too soon since you died afterwards before saving and had to redo the fight, which I'm sure felt fantastic. Good choice on the upper path though. I think it's actually a little bit longer in distance to either of the two upper saves but the lower path has more tedious enemies that you can't really avoid. (I used the one on the right, personally. Though since it has a transition room which means a loading screen, it may be slower than the left one.)

  4. See, while the healing system is generous, the tradeoff is that you can only take a couple of hits, and hugs aren't always free due to the hazards around. For that reason, I don't think it's necessary to try to 'restrict' hugging, because you still have incentive not to be a buffoon.


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