9 Angry Comments

In this video, Disability Attorney Walter Hnot outlines 9 comments made this week across the platforms that got him in an angry mood.

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Want to be found disabled for Social Security Disability Insurance, or Supplemental Security Income? The largest collection of tutorial videos on how to win your fully favorable SSI and SSDI benefits exists right here: http://www.youtube.com/c/SSADisabilit

Howdy guys, my name is Attorney Walter Rudolph Hnot, III. New Jersey born, MBA, JD, Master Mason and a tireless advocate for the homeless and low income who are seeking disability benefits. It’s simple, if you are within the law’s requirements for disability benefits, you get a check every month, and health insurance. No, it doesn’t include a new iPhone, house or cool car, but, with your SSI/SSDI disability backpay, you can potentially get those things…with your own disability money :-). I created this channel because of how many crazy things I was hearing out in the general public on how this system works. I did library seminars, academia seminars, food truck seminars (which I prefer), etc…The online video platform is the best way to reach the majority of you guys.

#disabilitybenefits #socialsecurity #disabilityattorney #live #disabilitylaw #disabilityinformation #SSI #SSDI #RSDI #SSD

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|================CONTACT LAW FIRM================|

Disability Resolution, P.A. ORLANDO LAW FIRM
Attorney: Walter Rudolph Hnot, III
P: (407) 279-1754 F: (800) 564-3358
E: [email protected]
W: www.disabilityresolution.com W: www.disabilitytelevision.com
A: P.O. BOX 780549 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32878
Office Locations: https://www.disabilityresolution.com/

|=================ABOUT LAW FIRM==================|
Disability Resolution, P.A. is a supplemental security income (SSI), social security disability insurance (SSDI), and adult child benefits (ACB) law firm that caters to children and adults who are seeking disability benefits/checks/Medicaid/M

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41 thoughts on “9 Angry Comments”

  1. I have been disabled since birth due to multiple disabilities I received at birth on a military hospital. I was lucky to have a good brain and found my niche in the working world. Very lucky! Most disabled people aren't that lucky. Finally lost my job to a younger, inexperienced person when I turned 61. So I applied for unemployment benefits. Even though I paid into that from every single paycheck I received, for over forty years, I was denied unemployment benefits because I'm disabled. They have no qualms about taking money from disabled workers, and then don't pay the benefits. Free money for them!

  2. Thats cause nixon kept his mouth shut about what was going on behind the scenes. Thats ware president trump told them go ahead do your worsted ill beat everyone of them cause he has the lawful construction backing him . But it ok for us to criticize are presidents . Its are right to speak are minds with free speech ..keep up the good work man you do everyone a big favor by sharing your knowledge ..thank you

  3. There are MANY evil people online that think they can say whatever they want. Your cool, I just notice that people are mean everywhere and mostly they're the stupidest people usually.

  4. 😫🥱… these folks are crying about Biden and madness other than the purpose of your channel…we support you Mr. Walter because your are doing what not many would. Not only do you have an actual job that requires your time and energy, you faithfully show up to help strangers who can't pay you what you would receive if we were all your clients. THEY CAN SHOVE IT! YOU ARE APPRECIATED SIR! THANK YOU FOR CARING!

  5. We all don't have to agree on everything political to agree on the problems with SSI. I'm definitely no longer a republican anymore, but no President is perfect. Biden deserves criticism just like every other president. But when people wonder why Trump has been sued so much, it's probably because of his criminal and defamation activity! LOL

  6. Biden has ruined America!! Biden gives illegals more than veterans and disabled Americans!!! Biden crushed the middle and lower income class with his horrible policies and record executive orders! Biden and the left have caused called for and funded an all out invasion!! Since Biden stole office there has been tens of thousands of more children die and hundreds of thousands of people extra over when President Trump was in and Biden has caused a global tragedy every where he looked!!

  7. I think the point is that far left and far right people care only about the political party and agendas than they care about people. They won't admit it because they are blinded by their prejudice.

  8. Well as someone that's been on the highest prescription that they will allow for Oxycoden and I also have another pain med called Belbuca that is also at it's maximum. For over 4 years now I think it's wrong to say someone may or may not have a problem. These Dr. just throw meds at you and don't try to actually fix the problem. I'm one of those people

  9. Hi Walter. When you agree to fight for their SS case, can't you have them sign a form for payment that will be automatically withdrawn from their back payment and file a copy with the SSA?

  10. Yes, it's a shame that these people will do stuff like that. But I do have one question. I live in Ohio. Why is it that the social security of Ohio states to have no knowledge of a stimulus? Nor is anybody in Ohio been getting them. Since Ohio is a Republican state. And most everybody here voted Republican. Since Biden took office. Nobody has gotten their third stimulus. It seems to be the democrats. States are getting there's and the Republican don't.

  11. I worked all my life and to be as sick as I’ve been and in pain. It’s nice to know there are people that care. Don’t let the hard right harden you. The truly disabled and people that suffer appreciate these informative utubes, especially if you have worked all your life and this happens and it’s ongoing without an end in sight. Thank you again.

  12. I will never understand how the government can keep taking things away from us and still call America great. It's great to the foreigners who come here and get everything handed to them. New cars, money and nice homes. Yet American born and bred need to fight for years to get what rightfully belongs to them. I'm agoraphobic and suffer PTSD and anxiety because of abuse I went through. I'm fighting to get ssdi. It's not fair how much we have to go through to get anything.

  13. Theres a lawyer back east, that I watch on youtube as well, who has been practicing for years. People message him ALL THE TIME, sure he's doing drugs or manipulating cases, committing perjury or worse, fixing cases, etc. So you ARE NOT ALONE!

  14. Your doing it again. I used to love your videos before you started to comment that "talking about" issues that are depressing will help the poverty stricken individuals to magically make things change is not going to happen in many people's lifetime. You are not suffering financially by trying to live off of a low income. You are not eating bread and water. Don't try to convince people to endlessly wait for a change that many will pass away before any good comes to the us in the form of any change and help will happen.

  15. Keep up the good work Walter. Don't let anyone get you down. I enjoy all your videos that relate to my SSDI case and other things I need to know about in general. Their are times that yes, you go over my head with some of the stuff you talk about…lol It's to be expected since I had no plans to go to college after HS in 1986. I C'd my way thru HS, but…I made straight A's in choir for four years…lol Iv'e always preferred training/learning on the job and then the job letting me loose to do my thing with my excellent work ethics.

  16. People are nasty and ignorant. They need to sit down and STFU. No one forcing them to watch this channel. Go somewhere else with their all their BS. Keep up the great work. I’ve learned a lot from watching you.

  17. It's nice to have someone who knows something that can help us- good and bad- thank you, we appreciate it. There are always people who are going to make everything negative and know more than the experts. I saw a meme today that said that the internet is the place where the high school dropouts go to sit on the sofa in their boxers and lecture the NASA scientists on how to properly launch a space shuttle.
    I would love it if the resource level were raised, I would be able to have something, anything……..

  18. I think you're doing a great job, Walter, and I always enjoy your videos, even if I disagree with you on some things. What ticks me off the most about our current administration is that they can easily find TRILLIONS of dollars to send overseas, multiple times, yet they can't find mere MILLIONS to significantly help out our elderly, veterans, and disabled citizens. Instead, they are trying their best to force out as many beneficiaries as possible, to save a few lousy million dollars. I hate that they think they can afford multiple trillions to send to other countries, but a few million to save our own people is too much to ask. :/

  19. Walter! I love your content and think you’re great. BUT, but nothing. Don’t let the Keyboard terrorist get to you. Your political views are inconsequential provided your info is solid, and I think it is. I wouldn’t watch if I thought you were a charlatan. I don’t know what is to be gained by publicly posting an opinion that is meant to be cruel or unfounded. I don’t know how good your advice is, because I’ve been waiting to apply for ssdi. So I haven’t yet used any of the FREE HELP. What I do know is, I am NOT walking into a scary application process unprepared. So, if you doubt yourself today. Don’t! You’ve helped me, and for that I thank you sir! I am, and have been accused of so many things and been a liar, right up until it’s proven that my medical or mental health is genuinely broken in some way. You’re a rockstar! Thanks

  20. Walter has helped me a lot. My political view is we need a lot more common sense, freedom, sanity, rights, free speech and a lot less evil Jabberin Lord Joe Babblen. More food would be great too. Unfortunately we`re doomed.

  21. My far left friend was a HUGE Biden/Harris supporter despite everything because: "They`re gonna HELP those of us on Social Security!" That`s not how EVIL works! That`s like being a big supporter of Ted Bundy because he might buy you a pizza.


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