9.15-16 Parashurama: Eliminating Tyrants (Bhagavatam)

Do you sometimes feel frustrated with the idiotic, incompetent, selfish leaders we have to choose between election cycle after election cycle?
Do you feel helpless having to choose between them?

Unfortunately, we are stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, tyrants and dictators are ruling their countries and on the other hand, we have popular movie / TV stars or ridiculous bureaucrats.

For thousands of years, this Earth had saintly kings like Rama and Krishna. And then there were times when the Earth was ruled by despots and ungodly Kings.
People suffered, they were unable to support their families, unable to protect their families and loved ones, unable to live in peace and harmony.

At times like these, the Supreme Being (God) descends to “annihilate the miscreants and reestablish the principles of dharma.”

Dharma is not religion. God doesn’t care about our religion or beliefs. He cares about how we live. Do we live in harmony with each other, the animals, and the Earth? Or are we exploiting the Earth, depleting its resources, butchering the animals and hurting each other?
Dharma is about supporting or sustaining life, promoting well-being, health, peace of mind and love for all creatures. Ultimately dharma helps us overcome the forces that mess us up such as desire, anger and greed. Dharma is about self-realization – realizing that we are not this body, mind or ego, we are souls who have incarnated to realize who we are: unique spiritual beings, tiny sparks of the divine, filled with endless possibilities and capabilities.

You may ask, “Why is there killing or war required in so many of the incarnations of Bhagavan Vishnu (God)? That’s a great question.
The reason is that terrorists don’t understand love. They don’t spread love they spread terror, fear and misery. They may pretend to be saving people in the name of religion, economics or politics, but these are all excuses. They want power, control and domination.
Strong leaders are needed to stop the vicious acts of such people. Just as when in recent memory, Hitler and Mussolini were defeated by war. Al Queda was defeated by war. So also when humans fail to wipe out the dictators and terrorists amongst us then at times God descends as an Avatar to help us.

It’s important to understand that the God who created us didn’t abandon us here. He sent us here to choose to know ourselves and Him, to learn the ways of divine love and surrender. You could compare this place to a boot camp or University where you go for training. But while we are here when things go out of hand he intervenes.

In this video, we will learn about one more incarnation of Vishnu, Parshurama, who appeared to wipe out the miscreant rulers from the face of the Earth.


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