7 to 10 foot tall creatures in miami mall?

7 to 10 foot tall creatures in miami mall?

#miami #scary #creepy #paranormal #conspiracy #joerogan
inside footage of miami
mall creatures
real footage from miami
mall 2024
alien at the mall actual
miami mall creatures
2024 inside
miami mall creatures
9 to 10 feet tall
creatures in miami
10 ft creatures in miami
miami mall creatures
2024 witness


46 thoughts on “7 to 10 foot tall creatures in miami mall?”

  1. I was abducted by Aliens in 1776 and they froze me until 2012 which is when they decided to beam me back onto Earth. I had a lot of catching up to do with society. I met my great great great great great great great great great great great grandchildren.

  2. Man I wish this type of stuff was real. But alas, humans are not even remotely creative in situations like this.

    I do not have the linguistic expertise to explain to others just how far from human comprehensibility any non-human sentient life would actually be like. Most of, if not all of, humans cannot conceptualize reality outside of their human perspective. This limits the imagination of humanity to create things that only make sense to human perspectives. If there are these creatures, they would be so far out of the realm of comprehensibility for current humans that we could not compartmentalize any part of their interactions with us. We only know carbon based existence. We only know life that we can conceptualize in our limited imagination.
    It's quite insulting to even begin to think that, for instance, any "interdimensional" creature would be close to recognition within the human perspective.

    To any and all who believe this type of stuff, your imagination is stunted. You're so far down the rabbit hole of believing human centric horrors that you only reinforce your own ideological biases. No religion is correct. No human centric alien conceptions are correct. No conspiracy theory about the nature of aliens living among us is correct. They're all products of human conceptualizations and human centric reasonings. We will never understand even a fraction of a percent of our universe.

  3. I've had DA's in 3 states (MA, PA, and FLA) try to have me labeled a career criminal (they all failed). I know for a stone cold FACT that law enforcement doesn't respond en masse like this for a teenage dust up. Cops only show up in numbers like this for active shooters, armed robbery in progress w/shots fired, or terrorists/terrorist threat. Something else was going on. I'm not saying that it was aliens, but it sure as fuck wasn't a bunch of punks having a public donnybrook. Use your own God given logic, reasoning, and personal experience to sus out what the fuck is really going on!!!

  4. What if all this alien hype is to explain the rapture when it happens. The Bible says we will have strong delusions and believe the lie. When you put all the conspiracies together they all lead back to God and the devil. And then through in world events happening now to the Bible . Very interesting. And it’s on the Simpsons

  5. Nothing happened! The mall was packed with people including a bunch of teenagers and for some reason it not one person got a picture or a video and I know people are going to say well you would be running too if you saw aliens there's always going to be that one stupid mf that tries to hide and record there's cameras all over the place there is no footage of these monsters LOL just like there's no footage of middle earth

  6. For the FIRST time in how many years, the police decided to break up a pack of 100 teens or more from looting that mall. SO of course with that many kids gathered AND IT WAS PLANNED ON THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA, every available cop is going to show up and chase those fine pillars of the community off mall property. Freakin aliens…..and with EVERYONE having a freaking smartphone yet of course, NO ONE got a pic LMAO…..I now believe in chem trails because the govt has to be spreading STUPID SEEDS in the atmosphere that way too many people are inhaling.

  7. There was no aliens or 7-10 foot tall beings. There was reports of shooting(which would warrant a massive police response) and if anyone did any research there was a video of a bunch of teenagers brawling. Plus, those people walking out of the mall doesn’t look like they’re “fleeing” if this was something supernatural I would imagine they would be running.

    These conspiracy theories is a distraction from the truth and that is Jesus and his imminent return. The war in the Middle East is unfolding in front of our very eyes and there’s no conspiracy behind that.

  8. I wont go into detail at all because I'd just rather not, maybe the man who made the tiktok video was or was not really telling the truth, but one thing I can say is when you have encountered a Grey as we like to call them they do have the ability to make things appear and disappear thats including themselves. Per example if you were to have an apple on a table they can trick or trigger for everything to be as it was but make the apple be invisible but you can still feel physically if that makes sense. Call me crazy whatever you want, at this point we know we aren't the only species here roaming. My other question would be, other than this being brought to us by mainstream media, what else is occurring that we are ignoring because this is what's getting more traction? Regardless, be kind to yourself be kind to your neighbor if deserved believe in a higher power, we all have limits and expiration dates but we also have our autonomy to allow us to move forward on a deeper level.

  9. Someone's already debunked the alien around the steps. The steps are about 3ft in total. It was found on Google earth this morning. The "Alien" was a bomb disposal drone which explains the long gangly form (think Jonny 5 from Short Circuit) allegedly someone brought a homemade rocket made from a mortar shell to a fireworks fight

  10. Sliver surfer 🏄‍♂️ here looking at humanity and how sinful we are… are these the good guys 🤔 makes me wonder because we been heavily manipulative with false doctrine. Basically indoctrination by evil man in high places in this world.


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