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49 thoughts on “7 MOST BROKEN OFFLANERS of the NEW 7.32 Patch – TAKING OVER THE META – Dota 2 Guide”

  1. Where's Undying? Decay is extremely broken this patch. In the lane you just need to spam Q and W and go for power treeds, soul ring, stick, echo, cuirass, blink or something to hit/tank and you win. There's no carry that can resist undying camper this patch, spam decay, and when they have just 500 life and you 1400, go fight

  2. Na man enigma is a pos 4 even in the example he is with dawn who is a better off anyway.

    The main problems you face is
    1. Cowards nobody wants to initiate even if it means losing racks (problem for all heros with hard to hit ults)
    2. High mobility enemies nobody is ever together and somehow the whole team is still dying
    3. Rubic and silencer hard counter through bkb (5 man or no man)

    As an off lander you have no staying power you can fight once every 3 minutes in lane your are useless against aoe spells but the real kicker is your lack of ability to survive as an int hero with no inbuilt mobility or tank you die very easily to a stiff wind which means somebody has to go first which is normally to offlaner nobody likes to go first but it’s offs job.

    As a sup your job isn’t to initiate, it’s not even to jump in and black hole halfway through the fight. It’s simply to exist. The best black hole most of the time is theoretical. They can’t team fight if your alive. That means you are going to be targeted every game every fight no matter what. That is space in the fight for your team to clean up.

    Be warned I don’t play it often as it’s very hard to live every person wants you dead I’ve played games where outside of team fights I had to stay in the base sometimes even the fountain because I simply wasn’t safe to go deeper. Everyone ones you dead and even as a sup you will be flamed if you lose the game. For black holes that get instantly cancelled by silencer or worse rubic.

  3. As an enigma main, i can't be happier. It is such a good hero on lane and even better in late game when you get your aghs, blinks, bkbs, refreshers. If you know how to be patient and how to follow flow of the game, you will win games with ez.

  4. well to me I played Visage for a while now and its literally a pilot with two helicopters and its so easy, First you gonna have a duo who plays luna to buff you in the late game, and level your second skill first because its a huge deal on laning and fighting. You have to wait until 3 popsicles lights up above your head and you can deal 210 damage with just that skill which means you can kill a enemy with one third of their health like its just unfair. Secondly, you try to rush two null talisman at the start, then tranquil and drum of endurance to buff yourself more. When you have ult you hide yourself in a save place and use your bird or fighter aircraft as I like to call them to just auto attack on the enemy or you can just go in and try to kill them all. One of the reason you hide yourself is that Visage's Gravekeeper's cloak actually works on the bird/ planes, but it doesn't go away unless Visage itself is getting hit, so the birds is literally a mini tank flyijng in the sky. Secondly, the attack speed of the bird is actually ridickulous (not typo), you can auto attack a full health enemy straight on with just the two birds and the two birds will just strike them down, and birds fly in high speed so no worry of them running away unless there is a tower. Then you try to get Cuirass, maybe Moonshard, or Vyse that give you buff and attack speed. In fact, AC, boots of bearing and graves chill give your birds up to 800 to 850 attack speed, its a weird looking mini machine gun with wings. The talent tree is right right left left (sounds like a fighting game input). https://youtu.be/frlpfRoins4 This is the tutorial vid about this build and its definitely fun. Hope you have fun with your support luna!

  5. Now that lycan has a reliable slow and global howl again he feels great to play. Haven't played him since they took out necro because he just didn't have anything to give to the game.

  6. Nigma is fucking nuts. If they don't have AOE clear for eldolons on the lane it's literally unplayable. I played 3 games in the last couple of games and had 16 denies average at 5 mins. As you imagine fair share of those range creeps too. Its prone to ganks if there's a roaming 4. And certain matchups could be bad, alch,bb, jugg. But other than that you make all carries cry super hard.


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