FIRST THINGS FIRST | "Go to Clippers"- Nick on Joel Embiid shades James Harden over practice absence

FIRST THINGS FIRST | “Go to Clippers” – Nick on Joel Embiid shades James Harden over practice absence


38 thoughts on “FIRST THINGS FIRST | "Go to Clippers"- Nick on Joel Embiid shades James Harden over practice absence”

  1. If I'm Morey, I just let him sit and get fined. The Sixers aren't going anywhere with him or without him. If you let him sit, maybe some idiot GM gets drunk, falls on his head, and completely loses his memory. Only then would anyone be willing to give you anything for this clown.

  2. Harden just wants to be in LA for future opportunities and he is from LA. I would want out of Philly too…why not. His career is near the end. There is no loyalty from owners….so Harden owes Philly nothing. Get the money man and if a chip comes along then great! If not, he is still going to the HOF. Not bad for a kid from the inner-city.

  3. While I disagree a lot with harden, if he doesn’t want to play there then fine. However, if you are going to be that way then don’t take a check. It’s just disrespectful to the fans to be this way.

  4. Just make him go around the team to keep his contract and then make it painfully awkward for him. Treat him like a red-shirt freshman in college or like the small child he is. I spent ten years in the military and this is how we treated the kids that said they didn't want to be there. We'd make them do every little thing 'by the numbers'. We gave them the most meaningless, menial tasks to perform. This is how I'd treat James. He has to be there to keep his contract and be a Free Agent next year. Until he shows me motivation, I'll have him handing out water bottles and towels to other players instead of running drills. Why would anyone in the Sixers organization care if all Harden wants to do is show that he doesn't want to be there? Give him a reason to really not want to be there.

  5. Y y’all kissing James harden ass like he’s still worth shit. If I’m the organization im not being nice. It’s something in the contract that won’t let him be able to do this shit for the 3rd straight team

  6. Since Daryl Morrey become the GM, there has been chaos every year. maybe he is just toxic. other teams got better man management and can trade their stars or players without situations getting ugly. I'm start to believe that Daryl love these situation where he fill like he has power over people.

  7. Nick went in and told the truth on Harden slick butt but Bron is not better than KD I don't care what the stats say and they're talking about AD defense is better than Book well KDs defense is better than Bron because he doesn't play any

  8. What a shocker…..who would have thought that a man who time and time (and time) again has proved you simply can't rely on him in any way, shape (mostly out of shape) or form actually no shows for practice.

    He brings new meaning to the word unprofessional and will go down in NBA history as the bigeest waste of all world talent the sport has seen but I am not sure what is more foolish, him continuing to behave this way or the countless teams that continually give him the benefit of the doubt to think this time will be different from all the other times…….we are well past the point that teams (all teams) in the NBA should just say 'no thanks James, we don't need your dog and pony show disrupting our organisation' to him.

  9. 2:39 Nick was cooking with that analogy on the James Harden/ Sixers relation. James was talking about going somewhere else and when no one wanted to pay him he opted into his Sixers contract as a security backup plan expecting to be traded

  10. AD is no way better than Devon Booker because Devon is a more efficient and more explosive scorer than AD. AD is a far better defender than Booker, but average more a game than AD which is inconsistent on offense and availability on the court. But to say AD is overall better player than Booker is blasphemous.

  11. If I were Silver, I would have a meeting with Harden and the 76ers. I would thank Harden for his time in the NBA and pay the contract off. Tell him his services are no longer needed in our league. Give the 76ers a couple of picks and call it a day. Put players on notice. That crap will end pretty quick.

  12. I guess that forgot Durant had better numbers against the nuggets compared to Lebron last year and he took two games from them. That literally ends the argument of who is the better duo


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