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  1. Thank you to the sponsor RAID for supporting the channel so I can keep on expanding the production team 👍 Install Raid for Free ✅ Mobile and PC: https://clik.cc/dzYj7 and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days 💥

  2. so the stun on stun interaction to stand up from the shatter is definatly interesting and something i only saw once, but the shatter has been super weird in forever. in my about 200hrs it happend atlest a dozend of times where people just stand back up, or i hit them point blank without anything inbetween and it just misses, but on the otherhand i sometimes shatter a phara or doom out of the sky. same with the charge, you can charge through an entire team in a reinhard sized hallway and not hit anyone but at the same time you can black hole suck in someone from 5 meters away

  3. I just wanted to make a note that hit boxes deal damage, hurt boxes are what receive damage. I noticed you normally just call everything "hit boxes" but that isn't how they're actually defined.

  4. I feel like eyerone knows about hanzo's ult and the arrow, especially if they watched best moments in OW when OW was new(er) and when people like timthetatman played it regularly

  5. I once got a hanzo dragon headshot through the closed castle door on Eichenwalde (I killed a Genji) and about 2 or 3 other people. It was a POTG iirc

  6. My accidental was me trying to hook the reaper and ended up hooking the sombra by complete accident. The same incident happened again but this time I was playing Doom and was gonna kill the Sigma with the fist and killed Sombra in the unfortunate timing I punched and killed her. These moments are so funny

  7. I seen him talk about the arrow going through walls headshotting people thinking something crazy was about to happen. Funny enough I had a moment happen where I got a double kill Double headshot thru the wall on clip since it over pernitrates people too

  8. One time I was playing as Bastion on Ligang tower and a D.VA ult came towards us so I stood behind that really short desk certain I was going to die but I somehow lived

  9. 6:15 so much for the advantage going to the shooter eh? Immortality doesn't do damage, hog hook does which classifies it at a projectile having shooter priority over immortality. AKA lazy coding.

  10. I don't know if it's rare, but I had a moment, when I played Genji and picked around a corner against nearby enemy Hanzo. I saw him trying to shoot me and dodged back. Then I died from a headshot arrow. On the replay it looks like this: I'm successfully dodging, arrow flies behind me, then I suddenly die and the arrow deflects from a thin air back to my head.
    And they say I'm too pessimistic.

  11. Well I didn’t know hanzo’s ult arrow killing was rare because I think I hit it twice by accident both times because of the opponent’s where in front of me


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