7 Bosses That Were Immediately Killed by a Much Scarier Boss

We recently discussed the videogame phenomenon whereby a scary boss shows up, only to be immediately obliterated by a much scarier boss. Turns out that you, the debonair Outside Xbox viewers, had plenty of suggestions of your own in that same vein. Presented for your enjoyment, here are seven of the most popular. Enjoy, and subscribe for a video like this every Thursday!

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37 thoughts on “7 Bosses That Were Immediately Killed by a Much Scarier Boss”

  1. This one has the same title as the previous boss video. Is youtube allowing that now? Also for the unbeatable Boss, you can beat the list why isn't Laharl from the Disgaea 2 game included?

  2. Of all the examples, the most ridiculous is Trema from FFX-2. The man was virtually a god and destroyed a Weapon with his bare hands in seconds. Hardest boss in the whole game. And he gives you Iron Duke for beating him. I love that old man.

  3. I have a suggestion … Stick war legecy I know it's a mobile app but in the last mission of the campaign the statue breaks into a giant guy with a club then suddenly he is kicked down by a bigger giant slash lava monster

  4. Street fighter 2 comes to my mind immediately, but only if you are effectively playing a perfect game. The normal boss you fight (M.Bison) gets his rear kicked by Akuma right in front of you and you have to fight him instead.

  5. What about "Star Wars – The Force Unleashed 2" where you fight in an Arena and immediately after a Rancor comes out the gates, the Gorog appears and grabs the whole Rancor with one hand, just to show how much taller and more dangerous this creature is…

  6. Not sure if this counts since you still need to finish the game first, but in Death by Degrees, the final boss is Nina's sister, Anna. However, if you go through the game a second time and answer "Yes" to the question that comes up (after finishing Anna Mode), Anna will get swatted away by Heihachi Mishima, who you'll then have to fight instead. If Anna isn't already a challenge, Heihachi sure as hell is. Not only does he hit harder, but he's also more resilient too.

    I know this game is a bit controversial story wise, but I think Skull Face in MGSV is a good contender. He was sold to us as this cunning assassin that casted a shadow over Venom's path, only to be squished by Sahelanthropus when it was alnost obvious we woukd fight him maybe alongside the man on fire

  8. i like the idea of these videos but it seems that almost every video have the same couple of games no matter what the heading. always the squirrel poo boss game. resident evil. dark souls. final fantasy. ninja gaiden. skyrim. be intresting with some unique games in the list.

  9. Ah yes… the tonberries from ff13, my favorite game of all time… I got into this fight already expecting a tough battle, and as a ff fan, seeing that little purple lantern I knew immediately I would be in that fight for a while.


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