6th Anniversary Saved? | Shillvoy To The Rescue! | Black Knight Fountainable | Marvel Strike Force

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38 thoughts on “6th Anniversary Saved? | Shillvoy To The Rescue! | Black Knight Fountainable | Marvel Strike Force”

  1. I agree with. From a business perspective, like you said, the anniversary gifts cater to new and mid game players to keep them engaged and continue playing the game. As an end game player, I just felt shafted for being a loyal player even if I’ve only been playing since 2010 but ranked up to lvl 99. I believe they should have different gifts for players lvl80 and above. I definitely felt the “wow, this is great” factor on my second lvl 60 account but not on my main.

  2. I also think the people running things need to start worrying about player retention a little more. I’m sure vet players are spending more than new players atm. I know so many who have quit lately. Quality assurance is a problem these days. On top of that communication is lacking. You need to go to a ton of different places to find out what’s going on from events to kits. I’m hanging on by a thread in this game tbh

  3. Poor communication cost Scopely here. First they say a big thank you gift is coming. Then they give us trash. Then they say there’s a part 2 coming but not until the next day. If they originally said it will come in two parts it would’ve been ok.

  4. I guess I only told you part of the story with mobile, so I guess this is partly my fault. What I left out is that cmaa reminded Mobile that this was why there was not an open all button that actually opened all orbs at one time; because it would cause server issues. (Cmaa and Mobile has discussed this before Friday evidently.). Then, like I said before, Mobile proceeded to start opening all of his orange raid gear orbs, and they took down the open all shortly after that. So, yes, I believe them that so many ppl opening that many orbs at once was causing the problem…this time at least.

    Edit – Based just on ppl I normally don’t see on twitch, I also believe a lot more ppl than normal was logging in at once for their “big” gift, since Boundless kept making sure everyone knew when it was going to be there.

  5. Which games do you play that do updates on Sunday? I don’t play any. They just need to communicate preferably 24 hours in advance what time the forced update will happen, or at least an hour or so. The update doesn’t take long to happen now, so it takes literally 5 minutes or less. So it doesn’t really mess with war or cc (like the old updates), as long as players aren’t in attack when the update hits. So players could stop attacking around 11:58, update goes out at 12:00, and players can log back in around 12:01 or 12:02, and there will be a little delay while knew data loads, then get back to attacking. Maybe the loading will cause 10 minutes delay. It’s still not a major obstacle.

  6. The monthly event was weird in more ways than the g17 Deathpool scythe. We went from whole g18 pieces last month to g17 this month. There is zero excuse for backwards progress in the March monthly event compared to the February one.

  7. I agree with overhyping the gift being bad, but I kind of get why they did it. Last, year the anniversary was bad, until ppl saw the 5th anniversary mail, then players reacted to it like it was indeed a big gift. So we inadvertently taught Scopely last year that we considered that level of gifts to be a big deal.

  8. I like the poll idea. In addition, I wish there would be a poll at anniversary where players could vote on a character or team to get a rework in the next 6+ months or so. That celebrates the past of the game, by bringing back a player favorite back into relevance in the game.

  9. To be honest, it wasn't terrible for mid game players, but being an end-game player, it was underwhelming. Lately, it seems communication has dropped off a cliff, and the same is true with the farming of new characters. Xtreme seems like it should be farmable by now, but nothing has been said.

  10. I'm glad you are trying to shine more light on the showcase exclusivity. It seems like there are a few posts about it on Reddit that are mostly ignored. It really is a bummer that they lock out most of the content now and every time they announce a new showcase I just shrug and sigh, knowing there is very little to look forward to. It's becoming a trend again with ALL the events. They are gating too much of the content for spenders and leaving very little left to be excited about for anyone else. I have trouble motivating myself to spend any time on the app when I know there isn't much to be gained from it.

  11. I agree, 600 t4’s would have been a home run for most resonable vets. I get why there was no crimson gear or diamonds. That said, even without 500 more t4’s, I have no complaints about the anniversary gift.

    I rather gifts be like this than tiered by how long you have been playing. I have played games with tiered gifts, and tiered gifts suck. They put all the most valuable stuff in the top tier, and everyone else feels bad because they miss out on the most valued items. And anniversary time is not the time to make most players feel bad for not being in that top tier. So, since everyone gets the same gift, there will always be a limit to how account changing they are; since, all player levels get the same gift.

  12. The g17 scythe is scopely not knowing their own game when deciding on rewards, it was either meant to be the g18 scythe or whoever did it didn’t remember we already g17’d deathpool for apoc

  13. I wish they would let envoys match up in cc on the test server and record exhibition matches with the new rules. It’s going to be kind of a boring week. While the break will be nice in the long run, ppl who watch and make content, could probably have part of that whole filled if there were actual envoy try hard matches of new rules from the test server.

    Edit – If that did happen, it would be nice if envoys kind of coordinate to show different team instead of just all the same offense and defense optimal teams.

  14. As an end game, highly engaged player, im looking at the distinct possibility of not unlocking iron patriot ftp (looking at being short 1 shard).

    If this is now the new normal, then it is a turn for the worse.

  15. with last raid team for 2.3 for people who did not up invaders to the moon, even if black knight is most OP, opening superior orbs may wait for spider society to bumps time (especially if they have black knight to 5 or 6 stars with pass)

  16. I'm a mid-game player and I'm actually very happy what I got I'm trying to get through dark dimension 4 right now it will help me get higher so that's what Iam aiming for but yeah I understand about the cores that really helped a lot ty for having this channel it helps a lot keeps me on track of what Iam doing in the game so ty again

  17. The challenge difficulty starting to be pay gated is very annoying.

    I understand having 1-2 difficulties pay gated and pay gating farmability for the nodes, but engaged players should be able to unlock all characters needed for it in time to complete it. What it used to be.

  18. When I saw the first gift it was very sad. It's literally 10 percent of a pass they gave us, that's $2. The worst part is that both options for why this is bad are equally sad. That is, either they don't understand the game or they do these things on purpose. If you say you are going to change your roster, do it. as simple as 36,616,616 gold, training modules for that gold and 600 t4. Only that works for everyone and it really is a change. This is a simple example, obviously it can be different. The other option is simply not wanting to create a non-existent hype. Another topic to debate is the Showcase, it really becomes very evident that they give you on one side and take away from you on the other. They gave you stuff during the anniversary, but they gave you super bad unlock events. At the same time, they removed some of the free material from the Showcase. It's really really sad because I love this game but it doesn't seem to care about the players. I was willing to buy some passes to collaborate with them if the gift was very big, now with what is happening they demotivated me a lot.

  19. I’m concerned that scopelys recent marketing is causing them to under deliver. While the game is still moving in an overall positive direction they still need to address things like 1 boosted accounts, 2 super showcase difficulties now being paywalled, 3 the sudden change for prof x being dd instead of what they originally advertised, and the overall issue with gear availability that becomes more and more obvious with each additional 5 levels that the majority of the player base cannot overcome.

  20. yeah, idk yeah I cant complain but at the same time it really was a let down, the one time of the year where theyre supposed to treat the players they tottally flopped it, and now for the rest of year theyre back to grinding the crap out of us for money, I feel pratically forced to buy the strike passes or I wont get enough gold, to do what I want with my roster,
    They really should send the gift out again, as a whole to really show they care about the players who have kept their game going for the last six years and who make the money happen for them as well..

    Thank you Dorky Dad, Also I finally made it to the diamond League in Crucible!!!!!!!, climbing my way to the doorstep of the big leagues

  21. It would also help if as a mostly engaged 6 year player we weren't in the middle of the first event release where I seem likely to miss the character (on target for 99/100 with their 1 shard/orb rng)

  22. I think the 2nd part might be overshadowed by this Iron Patriot unlock fiasco. I’m on track to finish at 99/100 shards. As a spender (both passes) I’ll 100% quit if they plan to make character unlocks this awful clown fiesta where good RNG allows some F2P people to unlock a character a week before others and for some people to not unlock at all. We need 3* unlocks from the in game character milestone that is achievable through F2P.

  23. The deathpool weapon will be usable if they give it to deathpools kid, if deathpool gets a raid team and her kid is on it then she will probably use this item, making it less useless


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